File access – Array Access – User-defined function - Student Grading
*From now and on yourLastName will be changed to your last name.
*Your program should change White to your last name.
*Your program should change JAMES SMITH to your name.
*Change Mary Lane to the name of user who is using the Investment Application entered from the keyboard.
*Write the file name as the first comment line at the top of the program.
*After running your program, get the picture of the output window from your program with your name on to paste at the bottom of the pseudo-code to turn in.
*Step1: Read the requirement of each part; create the UML of data type class, write the pseudo-code of driver class in a word document by listing the step by step what you suppose to do in main() and then save it with the name as Project_pseudoCode_yourLastName.
-start editor (for example eclipser) create the project with the following project name:
-add data type class:
-add a driver class (that contain main()
*Step3: follow step by step in the pseudo-code (or the flowchart) to write the java code in main() or driver class.
*Step:4 compile and run the program.
*Step5: debug if there are any errors to complete the program.
Use Java to provide the application that helps to calculate the numeric grade and determine the letter grade of students based on the scores of 7 assignment types: quizzes, homework, labs, project, discussion topic, teamwork, tests, and policy quiz is an extra credit.
The project focuses on the information of students; therefore, we can select the data type class about Student.
Class FA2022_Student_yourLastName.java
-The class should hold the information relating to this project: course name, student name, student id, extra credit score, total max score.
And the following arrays:
• String array assignment_names with size 7
• float array studentScores with size 7 that stores the total scores of 7 assignment types of the student.
• String array studentScoreString with size 7 that stores the list of scores of 7 assignment types of student
The index of these arrays will store the following:
Index 0: store information of quizzes
Index 1: store information of homework
Index 2: store information of labs
Index 3: store information of project
Index 4: store information of teamwork
Index 5: store information of topics
Index 6: store information of tests
Also, the data type class will include:
-no-argument constructor, parameterized constructor: the course name, student name, student id, extra credit score, array assignmentNames, array studentScores and studentScoreString will be read from the main().
total max score = sum of all values in 7 elements in7 elements of the max score array
-method to calculate the total of student scores by using the following formula:
total student scores = sum of all values in 7 elements of the student scores array + extra credit
-method to calculate numeric grade with the following formula:
Numeric grade = 100 * total scores of student / total max score
-method to determine letter grade based on the following table
Letter Grade Numeric grade
A Numeric grade >= 90
B Numeric grade >= 80
C Numeric grade >= 70
D Numeric grade >= 60
F Numeric grade < 60
-method toString() to create the output string in the following format:
STUDENT ID: 1122334
NAME: Mary Lane
Quiz 4.5 3.25 2.75 5.0 5.0 4.25 5.0 2.25 4.5 5.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5
Homework 7.5 8.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 7.5 9.25 9.0 8.75 10.0
Lab 27.0 25.5 22.5 28.0 22.25 25.5 30.0
Project 65.0
Teamwork 20.0
Topic 20.0
Test 75.0 82.5 78.25
Total STUDENT Score: 672.00
Total MAX core: 800.00
Numeric Grade: 84.00
Letter Grade: B
-method toFile() to create the string to write the output file in the following format:
courseName, studentID, student name, numeric grade, letter grade, 1 policy score, 14 quizzes scores, 10 homework scores, 7 lab scores, 1 project score, 1 teamwork score, 1 topic score, 3 assess scores
For example:
COSC1436,1234567,Mary Lane,84.00,B,5.0 ,4.5 3.25 2.75 5.05.0 4.25 5.0 2.25 4.5 5.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 ,7.5 8.0 9.5 10.010.0 7.5 9.25 9.0 8.75 10.0 ,27.0 25.5 22.5 28.022.25 25.5 30.0 ,65.0 ,20.0 ,20.0 ,75.0 82.5 78.25
-method shortOutput() to create the output string in the following format:
STUDENT: 1111111
NAME: Isra Ahmed
Numeric Grade: 78.76
Letter Grade: C
Class FA2022_16WeeksGrading_yourLastName.java
Provide the pseudo-code and the application to help users to calculate the numeric grade and determine letter grade of students.
FIRST, declare the following array with size 7 to hold the information
• String[ ] assignmentNames = {“Quiz”, “Homework”, “Lab”, “Project”, “Teamwork”, “Topic”, “Test”}
• array assignmentSizes of int to store the how many scores of each assignment
• array maxScores of float to store total max score or each assignment
The index of these arrays will store the following:
Index 0: store information of quizzes
Index 1: store information of homework
Index 2: store information of labs
Index 3: store information of project
Index 4: store information of teamwork
Index 5: store information of topics
Index 6: store information of tests
THEN, use the for loop that iterates 7 times to do the following:
*display the list of the assignment names as below and ask users to enter the number to select the names of the assignments that participate in grading.
Read the number that users type in:
-If the number is 0 then quit the for loop
-If the number is not 0 then continue read the following information:
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