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analyze and model real-world situations using object-oriented demonstrate principles (information hiding, abstraction, polymorphism, overloading, overriding) using Java classes and objects




 Learning objectives:

  • analyze and model real-world situations using object-oriented (OO)

  • apply and demonstrate OO principles (information hiding, abstraction, polymorphism, overloading, overriding) using Java classes and objects

  • design simple OO models containing multiple classes and

  • analyze and explain why snippets of Java code work or fail to reference OO principles

  • write event-driven programming code for a Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  • identify and use appropriate Java Collections framework classes for data storage and manipulation

  • write working custom Java code to solve problems

Points will also be given for creativity, the  f ideas, and initiative taken to demonstrate principles and concepts in specific parts of the assessment. Custom Java classes used in lectures, labs, demonstrations, and all assessments may NOT be used in your solutions.

  • Label all of your answers to the parts of the assessment clearly and ensure that your student ID is documented in all files submitted. Do not use your name in your answers. Submit your answers on my learning before the due date

  • You may use legitimate resources on the Internet, in books, or from the course notes to assist (unless prohibited by a question). Modifying such content does not make it yours. Indicate on your submission any or all sources used in your

  • You must attempt this assessment by yourself without any help from others. It is not allowed to communicate any or all aspects of the assessment tasks in any form to anyone during the examination period. It is not allowed to assist others with this assessment. University plagiarism and academic misconduct policies apply

  • No part of your submission should be made publicly available even after the due


That Monday had started like any other at the Millennium Mine, a vast pit some 17 miles north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, operated by energy company Suncor. Hour after hour Funk’s towering excavator gobbled its way down to sands laced with bitumen—the transmogrified remains of marine plants and creatures that lived and died more than 110 million years ago. It was the only ancient life he regularly saw.  In 12 years of digging he had stumbled across fossilized wood and the occasional petrified tree stump, but never the remains of an animal—and certainly no dinosaurs.

Nearly six years later, I’m visiting the fossil prep lab at the Royal Tyrrell Museum in the windswept badlands of Alberta. The cavernous warehouse swells with the hum of ventilation and the buzz of technicians scraping rock from bone with needle-tipped tools resembling miniature jackhammers. But my focus rests on a 2,500-pound mass of stone in the corner. At first glance the reassembled gray blocks look like a nine-foot-long sculpture of a dinosaur. A bony mosaic of armor coats its neck and back, and gray circles outline individual scales. Its neck gracefully curves to the left, as if reaching toward some tasty plant. But this is no lifelike sculpture. It’s an actual dinosaur, petrified from the snout to the hips.

For paleontologists the dinosaur’s amazing level of fossilization—caused by its rapid undersea burial—is as rare as winning the lottery. Usually just the bones and teeth are preserved, and only rarely do minerals replace soft tissues before they rot away. There’s also no guarantee that a fossil will keep its true-to-life shape. Feathered dinosaurs found in China, for example, were squished flat, and North America’s “mummified” duck-billed dinosaurs, among the most complete ever found, look withered and sun dried. The remarkable fossil is a newfound species (and genus) of nodosaur, a type of ankylosaur often overshadowed by its cereal box–famous cousins in the subgroup Ankylosauridae

The western Canada that this dinosaur knew was a very different world from the brutally cold, windswept plains I encountered this past autumn. In the nodosaur’s time, the area resembled today’s South Florida, with warm, humid breezes wafting through conifer forests and fern-filled meadows. It’s even possible that the nodosaur gazed out on an ocean. In the early Cretaceous, rising waters carved an inland seaway that blanketed much of what’s now Alberta, its western shore lapping against eastern British Columbia, where the nodosaur may have lived. Today those ancient seabeds lie buried under forests and rolling fields of wheat.


Part 1 (22 marks): Classes, Objects, Information Hiding, Overloading

This section involves creating classes with state and behaviour that illustrate information hiding and overloading principles. All modelling is based on the passage on page 2.

  • Examine the passage on page 2 and identify SIX core entities/concepts that are central for modelling a particular domain area in the passage. Explain why you chose each core entity/ concept and describe your domain area in 3-5 lines to provide a context for your

Tip: to identify a core concept in a domain area, search for key nouns used in descriptions.

[6 marks]


  • Write a rking Java code for THREE classes that model specific aspects (state and behavior) of three core entities/concepts from Part 1(a). Overall, your code must demonstrate the following:

    • Information Hiding (FOUR different examples: TWO applied to state, TWO applied to behaviour)

    • Overloading (TWO different examples applied to behavior)

Note: Your classes are each required to have at most THREE state attributes (with different variable types), and at least TWO non-trivial methods that model relevant behavior for a given class. Overloading examples cannot be based on accessors or mutators.                                                                                                                         [10 marks]

  • Copy and fill out the table below, carefully explaining how your work satisfies the criteria in Part 1 (b). [6 marks]

End of Part 1

Please turn to the next page 

Part 2 (26 marks): Relationships: Association, Aggregation and Composition

This section involves further developing the classes you have created in Part 1, by setting up relationships between the classes.

  • In the classes created in Part 1, write working Java code to model TWO examples each of the following relationships:

    • Association

    • Aggregation

Note: All relationships must be derived from or inspired by the passage. You must also describe the purpose of each relationship briefly.                                                            [8 marks]

  • Copy and fill out the table below, carefully explaining how your work satisfies the criteria in Part 2 (a). [6 marks]

  • Draw a simple UML diagram that illustrates the relationships between your classes. Include relationship names and cardinalities on all relationship lines. Correct UML notation is

[6 marks]

  • Write working Java code to create TWO instances of each your classes and set up the relationships created in Part 2 (a). If an instance requires data, explain how that data is passed in. If no data is required, explain why you designed your classes


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