You have been hired by XYZ Car Rental to develop a software system for their business.
Your program will have two unordered lists, one of Cars and one of Reservations.
The Car class will have the following data:
string plateNumber (this is the key)
string make
string model
enum vehicleType (VehicleType Enumeration of options: sedan, suv, exotic)
double pricePerDay
bool isAvailable
isAvailable should be set to true on initialization, and a public setter method should
be exposed SetAvailable(bool available);
Reservation will have the following:
string name (key)
string vehicleRented (plate of the car which is our key for the list)
The Program class will be composed of the two lists.
There will also be a method to display a menu that will have the following options,
Create a method to process the user's input and call appropriate methods to perform the operation requested.
(Use a switch statement and call the appropriate methods based on the number the user puts in)
XYZ Car Rental
Option 1:
List all the cars in the unordered list of cars
(Overload the << operator like my example to print each car's info)
Option 2:
Prompt for all the information for a vehicle.
Create the vehicle and add it to the list of available vehicles
Option 3:
Remove a vehicle from the list of available cars.
If the car is not available (a user has rented it) return an error message and don't remove the vehicle
Option 4:
List all the reservations. Use the key in the reservation to retrieve the vehicle details from the list of vehicles
Option 5:
Prompt the user for a name.
List all the cars that are available (isAvailable=true):
n+1. Cancel
Prompt the user to enter an option. Your list will need to implement a GetItemAtIndex
method which will let you select a vehicle based on the menu option. For example if the user selects 1, you would call GetItemAtIndex(choice - 1).
Make sure this returns a car reference: Car& GetItemAtIndex(int index)
Create a reservation object with this car's plate and the user's name, and call the car's SetAvailable method with false passed as the argument;
If cancel is pressed, show all the original options again
Option 6:
Propt the user for a name. Remove the reservation object from the list if that user's name is a key.
Use the plate number to find the car in the list and set available to true (Make sure the GetItem method returns a reference)
At the end of each option's method (except Exit) make sure ot list the menu options again.
For Exit, quit the program.
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