NETW204 Class Project
This project includes three phases. You need to complete Phase I before moving on to Phase II. Likewise, you need to complete Phase II before moving on to Phase III or the final phase in the project.
Hi-tech Net Corp. is operating in three locations in the United States. Their main office is located in New York, NY. They have two branch offices located in Chicago, IL and Sacramento, CA.
You have just been hired as Hi-tech Net Corp.’s consulting engineer to implement their network infrastructure. Both branch offices will be directly connected to the main office in NY via a leased line circuit (point-to-point serial connection).
New York’s Office IP Information
The main office has four LAN segments: Executive, Engineering, Services, and Native&Management. Each LAN segment is identified by a VLAN number as seen below. For example:
The organization is using the following network address in NY:
*** Future growth means that we already take growth into consideration. Do not try to estimate or add more IP addresses than necessary to avoid getting an incorrect subnet.
Illinois’ Office IP Information
The IL branch has three LAN subnets with 45 IP addresses on each subnet. They use the following network address to obtain the required IL subnets: /24.
California’s Office IP Information
The CA branch has three LAN subnets with 25 IP addresses on each subnet. They use the following network address to obtain the required CA subnets: /25.
PHASE I (20 points total)—Due Week 3
Tasks to Do.
Task 1: Subnet the network for NY and assign the first subnets to Services followed by Engineering. You may need to re-subnet for Executive and Native&Management subnets to avoid wasting IP addresses. Ensure that you re-subnet only the first unused subnet and nothing else. Assign the subnets to Executive and Native&Management. (5 points)
New York Office IP |
IP Address Range |
New Subnet Mask |
New Network Address |
VLAN 15-Executive |
VLAN 25-Engineering |
VLAN 35-Services |
VLAN 99-Native&Management |
Task 2: Subnet the /25 network for IL and assign the last IP address on the three subnets to the Loopback 1, Loopback 2, and Loopback 3 interfaces of the router. We will use a loopback or virtual interface to simulate the LAN subnets. This will speed up configuration and allows us to create our topology without rewiring. (3 points)
Illinois Branch IP |
IP Address Range |
New Subnet Mask |
New Network Address |
Loopback 1 |
Loopback 2 |
Loopback 3 |
Task 3: Subnet the /25 network for CA and assign the last IP address on the three subnets to the Loopback 1, Loopback 2, and Loopback 3 interfaces of the router. We will use a loopback or virtual interface to simulate the LAN subnets. This will speed up configuration and allows us to create our topology without rewiring. (3 points)
California Branch IP |
IP Address Range |
New Subnet Mask |
New Network Address |
Loopback 1 |
Loopback 2 |
Loopback 3 |
Task 4: Use the following network address ( to find the WAN subnets between NY and IL and NY and CA respectively. Note that there should only be two IP addresses per subnet for each WAN link. Assign the first WAN subnet to NY to IL and the second WAN subnet to NY to CA. (2 points)
WAN Subnets |
IP Address Range |
New Subnet Mask |
New Network Address |
NY to IL |
NY to CA |
Task 5: Use Microsoft Visio to design the current network topology. Remember to use Loopback interfaces for the subnets in NY, IL, and CA. Use point-to-point interfaces to connect the remote branch offices to NY. See the sample network diagram below. Replace the phrase “IP Address” by the correct IP address for each interface on the routers. Include the WAN IP addresses on the diagram as well. (7 points)
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