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The goal of this assignment is to develop a machine learning system that can predict whether a hotel


The goal of this assignment is to develop a machine learning system that can predict whether a hotel reservation will be cancelled or not. Towards this goal, you must select the “best” preprocessing techniques, features, model, and model parameters. Apply 5-fold cross-validation to train and evaluate your models using the area under the ROC curve (AUC).

1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) [10 pts]

Report the most relevant insights that might be useful to improve the AUC performance of the predictive model.

2. Baseline System [10 pts]

Start by creating a simple baseline system based on logistic regression. Select some features (which you think have a prediction power, might be based on your EDA), train and cross-validate your model.

a. Report the average AUC with the standard deviation.

3. Preprocessing [20 pts]

Conduct the appropriate preprocessing techniques toward improving the average AUC performance of your baseline system (using the same five fold CV), using for instance:

Replacing missing values

Removing outliers

Encoding categorical variables (large number of categories might require binning/grouping)

Scaling: Normalization/standardization


a. Your best/selected preprocessing techniques

b. The average AUC with the standard deviation of your baseline model (after preprocessing).


4. Feature Selection [20 pts]

The goal of this step is to simplify the system by dropping less important features for the selected model without significantly decreasing the AUC value. To find the more (or less) important features:

a. Apply the recursive feature elimination with cross-validation (RFECV) to select the number of features

b. Based on the above two feature selection techniques, what are the top five features (most powerful predictors)? Does it make sense?

c. Report the percentage reduction in feature size and the average AUC with the standard deviation for the selected feature subset using the same baseline model


5. Model Optimization and Selection [20 pts]

Based on the subset of features and the preprocessing techniques selected in the previous step, train and optimize the parameters of KNN and SVM (with an RBF Kernel – gamma and C) using 5-fold cross-validation.

For each model, report:

a. The average AUC with the standard deviation of the best model parameters

b. Plot the (five) ROC curves of the final best model


6. Model Optimization and Selection [10 pts]

a. Which preprocessing techniques, features, and model do you select for deployment (operation)?

b. What recommendations do you provide?

c. If your boss give you an extra month to further improve this project, what would you do?


Notebook Organization and Code Structure [5 pts]

Good notebook structure, organization, comments, and coding style are expected (similar to the labs and also consult the Rubric for project’s code on Moodle)

Deliverable [5 pts]:

Two files, one notebook (also exported as html) divided into the above 6 sections (and subsections of your choice) and named:

File 1: uid_firstname_lastname_assign3.ipynb (wk47_wael_khreich_assign3.ipynb) [1 pt]

File 2: uid_firstname_lastname_assign3.html (wk47_wael_khreich_assign3.html)  [1 pt]

You can follow this link or this link to convert ipynb -> html from colab

Do not include irrelevant experiments and outputs in your notebook, only the final and relevant code/results that are sufficient to answer the question (the more concise your notebook the better). Describe (in writing) additional experiments if needed. [3 pts]



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