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P7: Recursive File Expansion In C and C++, this feature is implemented with the #include directive


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P7: Recursive File Expansion


What is File Expansion?

In many computer languages (be they for programming, text formatting or some other application)

you can specify in a file A to include the contents of some other file B. Furthermore, this included file

B may itself contain directives to include yet other files and so on. The process of “file expansion”

takes as input a file such as A and produces its ”expanded version.” (By now, some of you are thinking


In C and C++, this feature is implemented with the #include directive. Suppose we have a file

called root.txt which looks like this:


#include "myFile.txt"


The process of file expansion starting from the file root.txt produces a new file which has all the text

before the #include directive followed by the (expanded) contents of the file myFile.txt followed by

the remainder of the file root.txt of the file myFile.txt.

This allows us to stitch together multiple existing files to create another file. In addition, if we want

some text repeated in the final output, we just include that file multiple times rather than cutting

and pasting (further, if we want to edit that text, we only have to do it in one place).

Why do we say the expansion process is recursive? Because the included files (like myFile.txt

above may itself have #include directives in it and so on!

In this project we will use this same directive, but for arbitrary files (not just C or C++ source

files). The files on the next page illustrate how this process works.



This is a great book by two authors.

The first part is written by Larry.

The second part is written by Jane.


#include "larry.txt"

#include "jane.txt"

The End

Chapter 1: Larry’s Vision

I begin this chapter with a proverb.

#include "proverb.txt"

Blah blah blah.

I think that says it all.

book.txt larry.txt

"Do not remove a fly from your

friend’s forehead with a hatchet."

-- Chinese Proverb

Chapter 2: Jane’s Vision

Consider the following proverb:

#include "proverb.txt"

I live by this proverb except when

the friend in question is Larry!

blah blah blah

proverb.txt jane.txt


Given the preceding files, expansion of the file book.txt would produce the following output file:


This is a great book by two authors.

The first part is written by Larry.

The second part is written by Jane.


Chapter 1: Larry’s Vision

I begin this chapter with a proverb.

"Do not remove a fly from your

friend’s forehead with a hatchet."

-- Chinese Proverb

Blah blah blah.

I think that says it all.

Chapter 2: Jane’s Vision

Consider the following proverb:

"Do not remove a fly from your

friend’s forehead with a hatchet."

-- Chinese Proverb

I live by this proverb except when

the friend in question is Larry!

blah blah blah

The End

Again, notice that the process is recursive since included files may themselves include other files

(e.g., book.txt includes larry.txt which includes proverb.txt.)

Remember that any recursive procedure must terminate – it can’t just keep calling itself for ever.

Similarly, the result of a file expansion must be a finite output file.

Is it possible to create a group of files for which there is no well-defined finite output? Yes! For

example, if a file includes itself.

Key part of project: If such a situation occurs (infinite expansion) a program doing the


expansion should report the error and terminate.

(If your program has already produced some output before detecting this situation and then prints

the error message when the issue is detected, that is fine!)

Note however that a file may be included multiple times and still produce finite output (e.g.,

proverb.txt is included twice).

Your Program

You are to write a C program called expand which takes a single command line argument: the name

of the root input from which expansion begins.

Your program with then expand the input file and print the resulting expansion to stdout.

In the event of an error, the program prints an appropriate message to stderr and terminates. It

does not attempt to recover from the error.

Some suggestions, details, notes, assumptions and requirements:

• (requirement / hint) Cycle detection / infinite expansion detection.

In the event that the files result in infinite expansion, your program reports the error and


Thus, when your program is processing an #include statement, it somehow needs to be able

to answer the question “will expanding this file at this point create a cycle and therefore infinite


This can be achieved by maintaining a data structure containing the names of files in a particular

state (I’m being intentionally vague here...). Being able to query this data structure (“is file

X in there?”); add filenames to it (“add filename Y”) and remove filenames from it (“remove

filename Z”).

(You should be thinking “Abstract Data Type” I hope).

You’ll need to figure out exactly how to manage this data structure and what it means for a

filename to be in it. So consider the above not a “how-to”, but a set of hints.

You will partially be graded on your design which in this case means how well encapsulated this

data structure will be an evaluation criteria.

• (detail) You should know by now how to open and read files using fopen, fclose and operations

on the FILE type.

Be sure to close files once you are done reading them.

• (assumption) You may assume that each line in the input files has no more than 256 characters

(an arbitrarily chosen “big number”). This lets you use fgets to safely read the input line by

line with no risk of overflow.

For the ambitious, you can figure out how to determine if an input file exceeds 256 after you

call fgets and report the error and terminate (not required, and no extra credit!).

A sensible overall approach is to first read a line into a buffer and then process the buffer to

decide what to do.

• (detail) A valid #include directive must start at the first position of a line. If the string

“#include” appears anywhere else, it is treated as just part of the text in the file (e.g., maybe

the author intended it to be there).

• (detail) We only allow quoted filenames. In other words, #include statements like #include <stdio.h>

are considered errors for us.


• (detail) If a line begins with an include statement, but there is no quoted file name after it, this

is an error and you should report it and terminate.

• (detail) There must be whitespace between #include and the quoted filename (this

may be any amount of white space so long as the filename is on the same line).

• (detail) Similarly, if an include statement specifies a non-existent file, you should report the

error and terminate.

• (detail) If an otherwise correct include statement has extraneous text after it on the same line,

simply ignore the extra text (this makes your life easier).

• (note) the C preprocessor cpp can be run on most UNIX systems and will produce almost the

same results as your program will if you run it with the -P flag. (The only difference seems to

be that blank lines in the input do not seem to be repoduced in the output of cpp). For more

info, type man cpp or google for some documentation.

Remember to observe good programming practices:

• No globals

• Good variable names

• If a function starts to get long, break it up into subtasks.

• For each function write a header comment specifying the meaning of each parameter and the

semantics of the method – i.e., concisely and unambiguously what it does, returns, etc.

• Encapsulate the behavior of certain data structures where it makes sense. (See bullet item on

cycle-detection above).


Spend some time coming up with interesting test cases. Do not just run on the toy example in this


You have also been provided several additional test cases in the folder test-cases (including the

example from this handout).

You are free to share test cases with your classmates.

Program Submission

Submissions will be through Gradescope You will submit the following in an archive file:

• All source files you have written – .c files and .h files.

• (optional) a readme file if there is anything you want the grader to know about your code.

• a makefile allowing us to simply type make expand to compile your program.



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