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Module Four Milestone CS-340-T2661 Client/Server Development 21EW2. PyMongo driver to create CRUD functional access to your document collection.


11/19/21, 5:27 PM Module Four Milestone Guidelines and Rubric - CS-340-T2661 Client/Server Development 21EW2

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/899029/viewContent/15978762/View 1/3


As you have learned, CRUD functionality is essential for interacting with databases. In Module Two, you gained practice using CRUD commands within the mongo shell. In order to

develop a web application that connects a client-side user interface (such as a dashboard) to a database, it will help to develop a portable Python module that enables CRUD

functionality for this data connection. In this milestone, you will begin creating a Python module that enables create and read functionality. You will finish developing the update and

delete functionality for your Project One submission. This Python module will eventually be used to connect the user interface component to the database component of your

dashboard in Project Two.

Note: This milestone requires you to use the “aacuser” account and password that you set up back in the Module Three milestone. If you did not successfully complete that milestone,

follow the steps in Part II of the Module Three milestone to set up the “aacuser” account before beginning this milestone.


After completing the readings for this module, you will implement the fundamental operations of creating and reading documents (the C and R of CRUD) in Python. You will use the

PyMongo driver to create CRUD functional access to your document collection.

1. Upload the Austin Animal Center (AAC) Outcomes data set into MongoDB by importing a CSV file using the appropriate MongoDB import tool. This file is in the

/usr/local/datasets/ directory in Apporto and the filename is “aac_shelter_outcomes.csv”. Use the database name “AAC” and collection name “animals”. Complete the

import using the mongoimport tool and take screenshots of both the import command and its execution.

Note: If you completed the Module Three milestone, you have already completed this step.

2. Next, you must develop a Python module in a PY file, using object-oriented programming methodology, to enable create and read functionality for the database. To support

code reusability, your Python code needs to be importable as a module by other Python scripts.

Develop a CRUD class that, when instantiated, provides the following functionality:

a. A method that inserts a document into a specified MongoDB database and collection

i. Input -> argument to function will be set of key/value pairs in the data type acceptable to the MongoDB driver insert API call

ii. Return -> “True” if successful insert, else “False”

b. A method that queries for documents from a specified MongoDB database and specified collection

i. Input -> arguments to function should be the key/value lookup pair to use with the MongoDB driver find API call

ii. Return -> result in cursor if successful, else MongoDB returned error message

Important: Be sure to use find() instead of find_one() when developing your method.

As you develop your code, be sure to use industry standard best practices such as proper naming conventions, exception handling, and in-line comments. This will ensure that

your code is easy to read and reusable for future projects.

TIP: Use the following sample code to get started. Note that the authentication to MongoDB is in the initialization method for the CRUD class.

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11/19/21, 5:27 PM Module Four Milestone Guidelines and Rubric - CS-340-T2661 Client/Server Development 21EW2

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/899029/viewContent/15978762/View 2/3

Example Python Code to Insert a Document

from pymongo import MongoClient

from bson.objectid import ObjectId

class AnimalShelter(object):

 """ CRUD operations for Animal collection in MongoDB """

 def __init__(self):

 # Initializing the MongoClient. This helps to

 # access the MongoDB databases and collections.

 self.client = MongoClient('mongodb://%s:%s@localhost:YOUR_PORT_NUMBER' % (username, password))

 self.database = self.client['project']

# Complete this create method to implement the C in CRUD.

 def create(self, data):

 if data is not None:

 self.database.animals.insert(data) # data should be dictionary


 raise Exception("Nothing to save, because data parameter is empty")

# Create method to implement the R in CRUD.

3. Finally, create a Python testing script that imports your CRUD Python module to call and test the create and read instances of CRUD functionality. Be sure to use the

username and password for the “aacuser” account for authentication when instantiating the class. This script should be created in a separate Jupyter Notebook IPYNB file, and

should import and instantiate an object from your CRUD library to effect changes in MongoDB. After creating your script, execute it in Jupyter Notebook and take screenshots

of the commands and their execution.

Guidelines for Submission

For your submission, you must include the code files for your Python module (PY file) and your Python testing script (IPYNB file). You must also submit a Microsoft Word document

with your screenshots from Step 3.

Module Four Milestone Rubric

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Create Function Develops a method that inserts a

document into a specified MongoDB

database and collection and applies

industry standard best practices such as

naming conventions, exception handling,

and in-line comments

Shows progress toward proficiency, but

with errors or omissions; areas for

improvement may include developing the

create function or applying industry

standard best practices

Does not attempt criterion 30

11/19/21, 5:27 PM Module Four Milestone Guidelines and Rubric - CS-340-T2661 Client/Server Development 21EW2

https://learn.snhu.edu/d2l/le/content/899029/viewContent/15978762/View 3/3

Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Read Function Develops a method that queries for

documents from a specified MongoDB

database and specified collection and

applies industry standard best practices

such as naming conventions, exception

handling, and in-line comments

Shows progress toward proficiency, but

with errors or omissions; areas for

improvement may include developing the

read function or applying industry

standard best practices

Does not attempt criterion 30

Python Testing Script Creates a Python testing script that

imports a CRUD Python module to call

and test the create and read instances of

CRUD functionality

Shows progress toward proficiency, but

with errors or omissions; areas for

improvement may include creating the

Python testing script

Does not attempt criterion 40

Total: 100%


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