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Learn how to use Unity and the Google VR SDK for Unity to develop a system control technique with a controller.



Learn how to use Unity and the Google VR SDK for Unity to develop a system control technique with a controller.


In this homework, you will need to implement a 2D menu with each menu item is associated with object interaction that you’ve completed in Assignment #2. You’ll also need to implement how to apply visual cues when selecting the object using the Bluetooth controller for basic object interactions.


1. Open the CS6334 project in Unity 2019.4.13 project and create a new scene called “assignment03”.

2. This assignment should be built upon Assignment #2. Make sure that you have all the proper prefabs and game objects placed correctly in a new scene. You can reuse the virtual environment that you created for Assignment #2.

Make sure that GvrEditorEmulator and GvrEventSystem are added in Hierarchy.

Make sure that GvrReticlePointer prefab is placed under Main Camera.

Make sure that GvrPointerPhysicsRaycaster is added to Main Camera.

Make sure that “Character” game object is added in Hierarchy. Make sure that “Character Controller” is added into Character inspector. Make sure that Main Camera is a child of Character.

Make sure that a plane, three cubes, three spheres, and four realistic virtual objects are appropriately scaled and placed around the Character object.

Make sure that the Build Settings is the same as Assignment #2.

3. You are required to implement the Object-Action-Parameter type Complex Task Sequence via 2D menus. Create and display localized 2D menus for each cube. The 2D menu can be created using Canvas and Button components in Unity UI. Canvas can act as the menu's body, and you can use the buttons to make the interactable options. Both components can be found under the GameObject -> UI tab in Unity editor.

By default, the menu should not be shown in the scene.

Whenever the pointer points at the cube and the button “OK” is pressed the menu should be displayed next to its cube.

The menu (Menu 1) should contain five items: Move, Rotate, Change Color, Clear

 Action, and Exit.

When the reticle pointer points at any menu item, the respective item should be highlighted by changing its background color to yellow.

If the menu option is either Move, Rotate or Color change and the pointer points to it and “B” button is pressed on the controller, another menu (Menu 2) should appear on the right side of the current menu. The functionality of each mode and the contents of the related Menu 2 are described in detail in the “Interaction Scheme” section.

If the menu option is either Clear Action or Exit, then that mode should be selected, and the menu should disappear. The functionality of each mode is described in detail in the next section.

The “Character” should be able to continue to move no matter the menu is open or closed.


Change color mode is a toggle type event (the color is changed back and forth), while Rotate and Move modes should be implemented in a continuous way (i.e., the cube should be rotated or moved as long as the button is pressed and held).

The default mode is “Clear Action.” Initially, any of the cubes should not perform any action (i.e., move, rotation, change color) when it is pointed and “B” button is pressed.

4. Next, you need to implement another 2D menu which follows Action-first Task Sequence. Whenever, the button “A” is presses on the controller, it should open a global menu (Menu 3). This menu should have 2 options: “Resume” and “Quit”. These options should follow the interaction scheme defined below:

When this menu is open, no other interactions should be allowed with the VE.

The Character should not be able to move.

The reticle pointer should disappear until Menu 3 is open.

Gamepad up and Gamepad down should be used to navigate the menu, and selection should be made using “B” button.

5. Click on File -> Build Settings -> Build to generate APK file. Save it as [netid]assignment03.apk.

6. After building it, save the scene as assignment03.unity.

Interaction Scheme

1. Move Mode

 a. When the “B” button on the controller is pressed to select the “Move” mode another, dashboard menu (Menu 2) should appear right next to Menu 1.

b. Menu 2 should have 3 options “Move Value”, “Translation Axis” and “Submit”.

c. Move Value

i. This option will let you increase or decrease the movement speed by which the cube will move.

ii. The control should have a plus (+) button and minus (-) button. These buttons should be on either side of a text column that displays the current speed. These buttons will be used to increase or decrease the movement speed. The step size for increasing/decreasing object movement should be 2.

iii. The default movement speed should be set to 5.

iv. You will use the “B” button on the controller to press the (+) and (-) buttons.

d. Translation Axis

i. This option controls the translation axis of the cube.

ii. It should contain 3 checkboxes named X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis, respectively. Make sure only one of these options can be selected at a time.

iii. By default, Z-axis should be selected.

iv. The “B” button on the controller should be used to select the axis.

e. Submit

i. Whenever “B” button is pressed on this option, both Menu 1 and Menu 2 should disappear and this mode should be selected.

f. After the mode is selected and if the reticle pointer points to any cube, the cube should be highlighted with a green outline. If the “B” button is pressed and held when the cube is highlighted, the respective cube should be continuously moved in the direction and with the move value that was selected through the menu.


g. The cube should continuously move as long as the pointer points at the cube and the “B” button is pressed and held. Otherwise, the movement of the cube should be stopped. This should be done the same way as Assignment #2.


2. Rotate Mode

a. When the “B” button on the controller is pressed to select the “Rotate” mode, another dashboard menu (Menu 2) should appear right next to Menu 1.

 b. Menu 2 should have 3 options “Rotation Value”, “Rotation Axis” and “Submit”.

c. Rotation Value

i. This option will let you change the rotation angle of the cube.

ii. The control should have a plus (+) button and minus (-) button. These buttons should be on either side of a text column that displays the current rotation angle. These buttons will be used to increase or decrease the rotation angle. The step size for increasing/decreasing object movement should be 15 degrees.

ii. The default rotation value should be set to 30 degrees.

iv. You will use the “B” button on the controller to press the (+) and (-) buttons.

d. Rotation Axis

i. This option controls the axis of rotation for the cube.

ii. It should contain 3 checkboxes named X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis respectively. Make sure only one of these options can be selected at a time.

iii. By default, Z-axis should be selected.

iv. The “B” button on the controller should be used to select the axis.



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