Task One
Implement the function int mainMenu().
This function is called from the main function. It should print out the main menu of the program, it looks like figure 1 below.
Figure 1
It then accepts the user’s choice, which is an integer from 1 to 6. Depending on the choice of the user, it should call the appropriate function(s) and pass any values it needs to it. The following choices should run the following functions and do the following actions before and after running the functions:
Choice Function To Call Before Calling It (do this in After Calling It (do
mainMenu) this in mainMenu)
1 int isPrime(int number) Ask the user to input a If the number was
number and pass it to the prime, print “X is
function as an argument. prime”, if the number
was not prime
(composite), print “X
is not prime”.
Replace X with the
number when you
print it.
e.g., “5 is prime”.
2 void primesInRange(int
rangeEnd) Ask the user to input the
range to print primes until Do nothing
and pass it to the function as
an argument.
3 int sieve(int numbers[], int
arraySize) Ask the user to input the
range to generate and print Call the
primes until and create an function and pass the
array that has the size of the prepared array to it.
range, then pass the array and
its size to the function as
3 int primesInRangeSieve (int numbers[], int arraySize) Call the sieve function to prepare the numbers array, then pass it to this function
along with its size so that the Do nothing
function can print the prime
numbers from it.
4 void flipImageVertically(int rows, int columns, int image[rows][columns]) Extract the number of rows and the number of columns of the image using the helper
functions extractImageRows Call the drawImageFromFile function to draw and
display the image
and extractImageColumns, after this function
then create an array with the flipped it.
extracted dimensions, use
readImageFromFile to read
the image from the file and
fill it in the array then pass
the filled array to this
function along with the
After each choice from 1 to 5, mainMenu should return 0 to the main function. If the user chooses 6 (Exit) the function should return 1 to the main function so it could exit. Any other choice should print “Invalid Choice” and return 0. Check the implementation for the main function if you need to.
Task Two
Implement the function int isPrime(int number).
This function checks whether an integer is a prime number or not. A prime number is defined as: a number that is greater than 1 and has only 2 divisors: 1 and itself. For example, 2, 5, 7, 11, 73, and 97 are all prime numbers. The opposite of a prime number is a composite number, which is a number that can be formed by multiplying a prime number with another number (e.g., 28 is the product of 7 and 4 or 2 and 14).
The function accepts one integer as a parameter, the number that will be checked for primality. It returns 1 if the number is prime, or 0 if the number is not composite.
Please note that this function does not print anything. All printing should be done in the
mainMenu function as explained in Task 1.
Task Three
Implement the function void primesInRange(int rangeEnd).
This function accepts one parameter rangeEnd and prints all the prime numbers from 1 up until rangeEnd. It should use the isPrime function to determine whether a number is prime or not.
For example, if rangeEnd is 35, the function will print all the prime numbers less than or equal to 35:
Figure 3
The function does not return anything. It prints the numbers directly, separated by commas.
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