Project Management for Information Systems
Project management course work.
Requirements for the Assessment
You are required to write a 2500-word journal article in an academic style on ONE of the specific titles
listed later in this document.
This will involve undertaking independent research of theory (e.g. books, journal articles, internet) and
practice (e.g. examples and case studies). Any Information Systems or Software Engineering type
Journal ( which is available online can be used for examples
of the style of writing to be adopted.
You may consult any of the module materials, resources or any other relevant material but you will find
that they will need to be expanded on by your own research. You must undertake your own research to
find journal articles and cases. Wholesale repetition of examples given in the lectures or on Moodle or
discussed in the tutorials will not attract any marks.
Caution: Note that it is not necessary to describe in detail and repeat whole elements of the lecture
notes or materials already provided. You must assume that your reader already has knowledge of the
lecture notes and previously provided material. Submissions which simply repeat this material will not
be viewed kindly and will be marked down. Similarly, simple descriptive accounts of approaches, tools
& techniques etc. are not enough: you need to demonstrate an understanding of their application to
the area under consideration.
Do please note that all sources that you refer to must be formally acknowledged in the list of references
as well as being cited appropriately within the body of the essay. See below as well as the details to assist
you contained within the Student Study & Referencing Guides that have previously been provided to you
by the School and by any guidance previously issued by the Module Leader.
You should consult peer-reviewed academic journals and papers. These should form the bulk of your
references. Submissions that rely heavily on trade journals, web-sites and consultancy white-papers,
and Wikipedia etc. will be penalised. This is a third year level assessment and your submission should
be presented as an academic journal article which requires the citation of articles within peer-reviewed
academic journals.
Assessment Report Structure
• Title: clearly identifying selected topic and area of attention.
• Abstract: Short and succinct outline that also includes the outcome of your work
• Introduction: Provides a contextual outline as well as introducing the work that you will be doing.
• Main Text: This section can be sub-divided as you see fit and should contain your in-depth
discussion of the topic. It should include your exploration, synthesis and application of the main
ideas and concepts within the wider software project management context. Your chosen examples
should be illustrated with appropriate diagrams, tables and figures.
• Conclusion: Brings together the main points and summarise as well as pointing out difficulties
and deficiencies, caveats and cautions in the analysis and obstacles to a better analysis/outcome.
• Appendices: You may include appendices where it is necessary to provide further evidence or
explanation. You may use appendices to justify the arguments in the main text but they cannot
earn you marks in their own right.
DescriptionIn this final assignment, the students will demonstrate their ability to apply two ma
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