Executive summary:
EverFight is an Adventure- Action game that follows the story of a young Child named Ei pronounced like "a" in "ace." , that suffers from amnesia. One day he wakes up with a headache in the middle of nowhere chased by vague fuzzy indefinite creatures in a freakish wondrous place not remembering how he ended up there, and while trying to survive from those monsters he died!.
The game is an open world in third person view, the player will play as Ei, and he will WALK, RUN, HIT, SHOOT, GUARD, JUMP, DASH, and ROLL and use those set of action to face the challenges the game offers: eliminate enemies, solve puzzles, and navigate through the world’s Obstacles. The player will progress through the game by discovering the mystery the story holds and by experiencing different levels. there are 3 gameplay modes and around 3 levels, the gameplay modes consist of the primary Dream mode, Awake mode, and crafting mode. The main targeted audience would be the casual gamers, and mainly adult/youth males who show common preference towards that kind of game genre and gameplay style and challenges.
Game Description:
A) Overview:
The game takes place in two worlds, the real one where the awake and craft gameplay mode will be, there the player can heal, level up and customize the character, also he will discover some story elements there, And the dream world where the main gameplay mode will be, there the player will spend most of the game and will face the majority of the enemies. Ei would be the only playable character and the player’s main quest would be to win over and clear all enemies in the dream world using Ei’s power to complete the game and discover the whole mystery surrounding the story. The enemies are named nightmares and they can be grouped into mainly three categories : mere souls , Hollows and Vastos, each their abilities and are ranked based on powers and intentions, not all souls are necessarily enemies . the general settings, physics, vibes, and aesthetic of the game are realistic, with exception to some magic element being used in the attack system, also the dream world obviously will have a dreamy vibe to it and the enemies would have some unrealistic characteristic but they will be based on and a reflection of character on the real world of the game that interacted at some point with Ei. The player will use swords, magic and shields in the dream world, while no weapons would be used in the real world , but conflict with enemies would occur there too. Ei would meet many characters on the Dream world such as : Aibo and Toreda
And the characters from the real world which are mainly his family members.
B) The Quest :
The game would be broken down into mainly three levels and each level would consist of another 3 missions, and through out each level the story will progress with the difficulty and more element of the gameplay and the story alike will be revealed. The obstacle faced will not only be the nightmares but also puzzles and natural world obstacles such as mazes and holes.
Level 1 will be the introductory level and it will take place in the dream world, it will introduce the gameplay to the player and will be fairly easy, but it will be essential for the story, since the final boss of the level even after you beat him he manages to kill Ei, and a new part of the game is revealed to the player and a whole new world and game play mode is now accessible and huge mystery of the story is now known .
Level 2 would take the difficulty of the game to the next level , and unlock the game’s full exploratory potential because it is an open world now, and the player can explore the dream world as he like and can go back and forth between the 2 worlds as he wish , and can do some simple side quest that can help him gain skills and resources to perform better in the main quest.
Level 3 would be the final showdown and the hardest, there all story plots will be solved and all mystery revealed, player would need to beat this level to win the game and to save himself from the dream world’s curse. The objective of the game would be met by defeating this final boss, and no more nightmares will be present in the dream world, but even after finishing the level the player can still roam around the world and do more of the side quests or repeat them.
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