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Create the following table (done in class) to hold product information. Attributes are as follows.




1. You are only responsible for exercises 1 – 5.


Tutorial 5 – ABAP4 Databases

Turn in the following for each exercise:

a. Code listing (Text.  This can be copy/pasted to test the code)

b. Results screen shot



1. Create the following table (done in class) to hold product information.  Attributes are as follows.


pid Char(3) primary key

pDesc Char(20)

price DEC(8,2)

Taxable Char(1)


Note: Turn in a screen shot only, no code.


2. Use the ZZ_###_INSERTPROD program created in class to insert the following records into the Z###_PROD table:

pid pDesc Price Taxable




P4 Pencil



Apple 1.00



1.50 N





Note: Turn in a screen shot only, no code.


3. Create the following two tables for Sales Orders:

SOHeaders and SODetails.  Attributes for each are as follows.

a. Z###_SOHeaders

SONum INT4 primary key

SOStatus CHAR(1)

Subtotal DEC (8,2)

Tax DEC (8,2)

Total DEC (8,2)

b. Z###_SODetails


Pid CHAR(3)

Quantity DEC (8,2)

SubTotal DEC (8,2)

Tax DEC (8,2)

LineTotal DEC (8,2)


Note: Turn in a screen shot only, no code.


4. Write a program ZZ_###_LOOKUPPRODUCT where the user enters a Produtct ID and your program displays the product description and unit price.


5. Write a program ZZ_###_ADDITEM where the user enters a Sales Order Number (not realistic), Product ID, and Quantity.  The program retrieves the product price, calculates SubTotal, and inserts this new record to the SODetails tables.  Print a confirmation to the user with some details.


NOTE: Simplify this exercise.

Create the SOHeaders and SODetails tables per above specs.

Use SE16 – Enter an Order Number to SOHeaders (e.g. 104.  Can enter more: 105, 106, …)

For user data entry, make sure to enter 

o 104 for the order number (or any other existing order number) 

o A valid Product ID (that does not already exist in the order)


6. Revise the Add Item program to include tax for taxable items.  If the product is taxable, apply 0.0875% tax rate on the SubTotal to calculate the Tax.  LineTotal is Subtotal plus Tax.  Insert the record into the SODetails table.


7. Revise the Lookup Product program to check for a valid Product ID.  The program is to check if the Product ID exists in the product table (Hint:  Can use count(*)).  If it doesn’t, print an error message.  If it does, print the product details.


8. Revise the Add Item program to create SOHeaders records.  If this is the first item the user adds to the order (e.g. shopping cart), we will create a header record with the status of 'O' (Open).  The Add Items program will check if the SONum exists in SOHeaders (Hint: may use count(*)).  If it does not, insert the record.



Revise your Add Item program as follows (call it: Z_###_ADDITEM_SUB).

Add a subroutine ValidateProduct that performs the following:

Input:  Product ID

Output:  A single character

'Y' – If the product exists

'N' – If the product does not exist.


If 'N' is returned, print the error message.

If 'Y' is returned, proceed with the rest of the operation.



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