Q1 only
Question 2 (5 points):
Q2) Write a Java Program that will read the Heart Beat Rate (HB) of a patient
(integer). Then decide if the patient at risk or not based on the following:
• If HB >120 then patient have HIGH HB.
• 80 =< HB <= 120 NORMAL HB.
• Below 80 is LOW HB.
Your program should:
1. Continuously read HB and print status of the patient.
2. Keep reading HB and printing status until you get two consecutive HIGH
HB or two consecutive LOW HB, if you do then you should print a warning
message and stop reading HB.
3. Print the average HB of all your readings.
4. Exit the program
Name your class Heart.
Sample run 1:
Please enter patient HB 100
HB is Normal
Please enter patient HB 120
HB is Normal
Please enter patient HB 121
HB is High
Please enter patient HB 70
HB is Low
Please enter patient HB 60
HB is Low
HB is low twice in a row
The average HB is 94.2
Sample run 2:
Please enter patient HB 200
HB is High
Please enter patient HB 100
HB is Normal
Please enter patient HB 200
HB is High
Please enter patient HB 90
HB is Normal
Please enter patient HB 20
HB is Low
Please enter patient HB 30
HB is Low
HB is low twice in a row
The average HB is 106.66666666666667
Sample run 3:
Please enter patient HB 40
HB is Low
Please enter patient HB 100
HB is Normal
Please enter patient HB 200
HB is High
Please enter patient HB 200
HB is High
HB is high twice in a row
The average HB is 135.0
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