Session 3 Homework
Exercise 1: Format Course Catalog
• Open Session 4 – Homework Course Catalog document •
Change document font to Garamond 12pt
• Change paragraph spacing of entire document to 0pt before and 0pt after •
Change line spacing of entire document to Single spaced
• Format “Whatsamatta” title to Poor Richard 22pt and Center
aligned • Add 12pt paragraph space before “First Edition” text
• Add a thick 21/4 Top and Bottom border to “First Edition” text •
Italicize the entire “First Edition” paragraph
• Justify all of the computer course descriptions
• Change all of the computer course titles to Candara and bold •
Set 18pt paragraph spacing before all course titles
• Italicize all of the instructor names
• Italicize all of the class meeting times
Exercise 2: Tabs
• Set “First Edition” text at Left tab at .5”
• Set “Course Catalog” text to a Center tab at 3.25”
• Set semester text to Right tab at 6”
• Set a Right tab with dotted leader at 6” for the instructor names •
Adjust the above tabs to 6.25”
• Set a Right tab for class times at 6.25”
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