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CS302 Assignment 8: void priorityQ<Type>::deleteHighestPriority() - removes the root element by assigning the root with the end element in the heap and bubbles the element down, also decrements items by 1 (does nothing if the heap is empty)


It's a very simple code that should match the output. Make sure it is commented.



Assignment 8: Find k

th largest number of an unsorted list


Given a set of n integers, find the k − th largest element in the list. You will need to create the following

class which could be either a min heap or a max heap.

class priorityQ


public :

priorityQ (int = 10);

priorityQ ( const priorityQ < Type >&);

~ priorityQ ();

const priorityQ < Type >& operator =( const priorityQ < Type >&);

void insert ( const Type &);

void deleteHighestPriority ();

Type getHighestPriority () const ;

bool isEmpty () const ;

void bubbleUp (int );

void bubbleDown (int );

int getSize () const ;

private :

int capacity ;

int items ;

Type * heapArray ;


• Type * heapArray - array that contains the elements for priority queue

• int capacity - the length of the heapArray

• int items - the amount of items currently stored in the heap

• priorityQ<Type>::priorityQ(int capacity) - sets this->capacity with capacity, allocates a

dynamic array to heapArray, and sets items to 1 or 0

• priorityQ<Type>::priorityQ(const priorityQ<Type>& copy) - copy constructor, performs a deep

copy of the copy object to the *this object

• priorityQ<Type>::~priorityQ() - destructor


• const priorityQ<Type>& priorityQ<Type>::operator=(const priorityQ<Type>& rhs) - assignment operator, performs a deep copy of rhs object into *this object, remember to check for a self

assignment and deallocate this->heapArray first before performing the actual deep copy

• void priorityQ<Type>::insert(const Type& element) - inserts element to the end of the heap and

bubbles the element up, resizes if needed, also increments items counter by 1

• void priorityQ<Type>::deleteHighestPriority() - removes the root element by assigning the root

with the end element in the heap and bubbles the element down, also decrements items by 1 (does

nothing if the heap is empty)

• Type priorityQ<Type>::getHighestPriority() const - returns the highest priority item, the item

at index 1 of the heapArray

• bool priorityQ<Type>::isEmpty() const - returns true if there are no items in the heap and false


• void priorityQ<Type>::bubbleUp(int index) - bubbles up an element in heapArray at index ”index”, and keeps bubbling up as needed, remember an the parent of element at index x in the heapArray

is at index x / 2

• void priorityQ<Type>::bubbleDown(int index) - bubbles down an element from index ”index”,

and keeps bubbling down as needed, remember the left child and right child of element x is at location

2 * x and 2 * x + 1 respectively, you always bubble down with the highest priority child, also remember

if 2 * x > items then x is a leaf node and no bubbling down is needed

• int priorityQ<Type>::getSize() const - returns the amount of elements stored in the heap

Contents of main

You will prompt for an input file, the first line contains an integer K that denotes the K −th largest number

you want to find. Then a list of integers (one integer per line) and each line is ended with an end of line

character. You need to output the k − th largest element whenever a new integer read in causes an update

(a new k − th largest number is found).

You need to use a priorityQ<int> object to make this work, you can not sort the array or insert the entire

list into a priorityQ<int> object and then just pop the heap X number of times. You have to assume that

the entire sequence of numbers is not known in advance.

Example Output

$ g ++ main . cpp

$ ./ a . out

Enter filename : input01 . txt

Initial 12 - th largest number : 88

New 12 - th largest number : 86

New 12 - th largest number : 82

New 12 - th largest number : 79

New 12 - th largest number : 78

New 12 - th largest number : 65

New 12 - th largest number : 62

New 12 - th largest number : 59

New 12 - th largest number : 57

New 12 - th largest number : 47

New 12 - th largest number : 44

New 12 - th largest number : 43


New 12 - th largest number : 39

New 12 - th largest number : 34

New 12 - th largest number : 30

New 12 - th largest number : 29

New 12 - th largest number : 27

New 12 - th largest number : 26

New 12 - th largest number : 24

New 12 - th largest number : 23

Final 12 - th largest number : 23

$ ./ a . out

Enter filename : input02 . txt

Initial 27 - th largest number : 99

New 27 - th largest number : 90

New 27 - th largest number : 88

New 27 - th largest number : 86

New 27 - th largest number : 82

New 27 - th largest number : 79

New 27 - th largest number : 78

New 27 - th largest number : 76

New 27 - th largest number : 73

New 27 - th largest number : 70

New 27 - th largest number : 69

New 27 - th largest number : 66

New 27 - th largest number : 65

New 27 - th largest number : 63

New 27 - th largest number : 62

New 27 - th largest number : 61

New 27 - th largest number : 59

New 27 - th largest number : 57

New 27 - th largest number : 56

New 27 - th largest number : 54

New 27 - th largest number : 48

New 27 - th largest number : 47

Final 27 - th largest number : 47

$ ./ a . out

Enter filename : input03 . txt

Initial 45 - th largest number : 99

New 45 - th largest number : 96

New 45 - th largest number : 90

New 45 - th largest number : 88

New 45 - th largest number : 86

New 45 - th largest number : 82

Final 45 - th largest number : 82


• Comment your code and your functions

• Make sure your code is memory leak free

• Do not sort the list of just insert every element from the file into the priority queue at once



Upload your source code and write up to the class site by the deadline, submit main.cpp and priorityQ.hpp

to code grade


• The image used in this write can be found at https://www.deviantart.com/solarstormtm/art/Rockofrom-Rocko-s-Modern-Life-395651928



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