write 3 python programs with explaining every line as required to understand[100 points] K-Mean++. Implement K-Mean++ clustering algorithm in python as
- Read input file ‘as4_1.txt’ given in the Canvas course website. The file is
composed of X and Y values in the first and second columns and label in the third
- Create myInit() that places the initial k centroids far away from each other in the
4 steps as shown below:
1. Randomly select the first centroid from the data points
2. For each data point compute its distance from the nearest, previously chosen
Use following Euclidean distance function:
import numpy as np
def euclidean2D(point1, point2):
x1 = point1[0]
x2 = point2[0]
y1 = point1[1]
y2 = point2[1]
return np.sqrt((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2)
3. Select the point having maximum distance from the nearest centroid as the next
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until k centroids have been sampled
- Create myAssign() that assigns each example to the nearest centroid, �(�)
, � ∈
{1, ... , �} where for every x(i), label[x(i)] = J which is arg minj||x(i)
- Create myCentroid() that calculates a new centroid of all points that are assigned
to the same centroid.
- Create myUpdateCentroid() that moves the centroids to the center of the
examples that were assigned to it
- Create myKmeanPlusPlus() that initially calls myInit(), and then repeats to
call myAssign(), myCentroid(), and myUpdateCentroids() until the cluster
assignments do not change or a user-defined tolerance or maximum number of
iteration is reached. myKmeanPlusPlus() should ask user to receive the
following arguments and use the same variable name in the parenthesis:
1. The number of clusters (k)
2. Tolerance (myTol)
3. Maximum number of iterations (myMax)
myKmeanPlusPlus()returns a list of new labels.
- Create myPlot() that visualizes plot of clustering result in different colors and
markers. You can use any plot method.
2. [100 points] DBSCAN. Implement DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of
Applications with Noise) algorithm in python as follows:
- Read input file named as ‘as4_2.csv’ using numpy. The file is composed of X and Y
values in the first and second columns and label in the third column.
- Create ‘getLabel()’ that receives true labels from the read file.
- Create ‘getData()’ that returns vectors from the read file.
- Create ‘getDBSCAN()’ that receives vectors, epsilon, and minPoints and returns
predicted label. This function finds the points in the epsilon neighborhood of every
point, and identifies the core points with more than minPoints neighbors. Secondly,
this function finds the connected components of core points on the neighbor graph.
Lastly, this function assigns each non-core point to a nearby cluster if the cluster is
an epsilon neighbor, otherwise assign it to noise. getDBSCAN() returns a list of
new labels.
For the more detailed algorithm for DBSCAN, you can check out at the
- Create ‘getAccuracy()’ that receives predicted label and true label and returns
- Create ‘plotDBSCAN()’ that visualizes plot of clustering result in different colors
and markers. You can use any plot method.
3. [Bonus 50 points] Improved DBSCAN. Implement improved DBSCAN method using
one of existing algorithms introduced in the paper “S. Li, An Improved DBSCAN
Algorithm Based on the Neighbor Similarity and Fast Nearest Neighbor Query, IEEE
Access, 2020”. This paper introduces many previous methods enhancing performance
and accuracy. You can use any suggested methods in Section II, RELATED WORK as well
as the method that the paper mainly suggests. Show the enhanced accuracy comparing
to what you will be obtaining in the previous problem 2 (DBSCAN). You can use the
same functions that you have implemented and dataset in problem 2. You can use
different dataset from problem 2 to show better accuracy but when you compare the
accuracy, the chosen dataset should be equally and additionally used in problem 2.
Write your 3 python programs in each cell of jupyter notebook and save into your shared
directory as a name, ‘assignment4_your_first_name.ipynb’ where ‘your_first_name should
be your real first name. Attach the file at the Assignment 4 in the Canvas
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