Need to do a project for a data structures class. I will attach a picture describing the assignment. I really appreciate the help.
CISC 3130 Dala Structures Project: Building an App
Either working on your own or in a group (recommended), pick
any popular app (or dcsign your own) and implement it using
data structures and functions. The idea of this project is to get
your heads into the idea of SaaS or software as a service which
is a huge field (157 billioriyear and growing) to work in.
The data structures could be anything we learned in this course
and at least two should be your own object oriented creations,
You can usc any language you like and while a graphical user
intcrfacc (GUI) is not required. it is recommcndcd and you’ll
receive extra credit for a decent GUI. If you do go the route of’ a
GUI. I don’t recommend doing all of this project in Jasa (I
personally dislike JavaFX). JavaScript. Python and many more
languages have user-friendly GUI libraries. Java is a great
choice for the backend.
This project allows you to try anything under the sun from a
weather app (I saw a really good variation of this using Java and
an API to a weather service), to a video player, music player, a
data visualization tool or anything else. Literally, your
imagination is the limit.
Rubric: The project is ssorth 35% of your grade. You can gel
a total of 3X% ilvou also submit a decent GUI.
Originality/complexits (5 points): your program doesn’t have
to be novel, but that doesn’t mean you should do something
Implementing something simple like a linked list or even think a
chore list based on a linked list, is way too simple. However, if
you can for example, combine multiple lists and display them in
interesting ways, then that’s already a decent project (like a
scheduling tool for instance).
You should ask mc if you’re unsure or need advice. 5 points
awarded if your project is deemed complex and interesting.
Running Program (5 points): Your program should run.
Regardless of what you write, if your project doesn’t mn. that’s
a major chunk of the grade. I recommend putting your work on
GitHub and showing screenshots in the rind (readme markunt
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