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Build a skip list data structure to support the traversal searching addition and deletion of integers from a skip lis


Homework 2 - Implementing a Skip list
COP3503 assigned Feb 21, 2019
Michael McAlpin, Instructor due Mar 24, 2019
1 Objective
Build a skip list data structure to support the traversal, searching, addition, and deletion of
integers from a skip list. This implementation will support building a skip list to support
integers in the range of 0 to 10,000. The objective of this assignment requires the reading
of an input file which contains commands and data to build a skip list containing integers
using commands to insert, search, delete, and print a skip list.
2 Requirements
Read the input file formatted as follows. The input file will contain at least one command
per line, either insert, delete, search, print, or quit. These are defined in detail below. And
if appropriate, a second parameter may be required. The second parameter, if appropriate,
will always be an integer for this assignment.
The commands are shown in the table below:
Command Description Parameter(s)
i Insert expects a space, followed by an integer
s Search expects a space, followed by an integer
d Delete expects a space, followed by an integer
p Print does not expect any additional data
Table 1: Input File Commands
2.1 Design Constraints
The input file(s) provided will have the following properties.
1. Each record in the input file will consist of a command, described above, appropriately
followed by an integer.
2. There is not a maximum number of skip levels.
3. The test input integers will be within the range of 1 to 10,000.
4. There is no requirement for persistence. The data in the skip list does not need to be
stored or archived on disk before the program exits.
2.2 Commands
2.2.1 Insert
The insert command uses the single character i as the command token. The command token
will be followed by a single space, then an integer. This integer will then be inserted into the
skip list. Note that a skip list requires that data be inserted into the skip list in ascending
1. Insertion of the lowest rank integer requires that this integer becomes the first element
in the skip list. Note that all levels contain the lowest rank integer.
2. Insertion of an integer that is neither the lowest or highest rank integer requires a
probabilistic mechanism to decide if this integer will also be on the next higher level.
The method discussed in lecture is flipping a fair coin. The flipping of a fair coin
can be emulated using the Random object in Java to generate a “random number”
then taking that number modulo 2 to generate a 1 or 0. The optional seeding of
the Random number generator will be the second command line parameter specified by
an upper or lower case R . In the event that the R parameter is not specified, seed
the Random number generator with the integer 42. The promotion method used to
generate the test cases used a 1 to represent heads and correspondingly a 0 to represent
tails. Each flip of the coin that produces a heads causes that integer to be promoted
and appropriately linked into the skip list. This process is terminated when a tails has
been “flipped”.
i xx where xx is an integer between 1 and 10,000.
2.2.2 Delete
The delete command uses the single character d as the command token. The command
token will be followed by a single integer. In order to successfully delete an entry from the
skip list, the intger must be found.
In the event that the integer cannot be found, the program will issue the error message
xx integer not found - delete not successful, where xx is the specified integer. The
program will recover gracefully to continue to accept commands.
Once the integer is found, it will be deleted from the base level, and any additional
level(s) that integer had been promoted to upon insertion.
(This command’s success can be verified by using the print command.)
d xx where xx is an integer between 1 and 10,000.
xx deleted :where xx is the integer being deleted
xx integer not found - delete not successful :where xx is the integer being
deleted was not found
2.2.3 Search
The search command uses the single character s as the command token. The command
token will be followed by a single space, then the integer that is to be searched
The search command will take advantage of the skip list structure and implement the
following algorithm. A search for a target element begins at the head element in the top list,
and proceeds horizontally until the current element is greater than or equal to the target. If
the current element is equal to the target, it has been found. If the current element is greater
than the target, or the search reaches the end of the linked list, the procedure is repeated after
returning to the previous element and dropping down vertically to the next lower list.1
Upon completion of the search for the target integer, the following messages shall be
s xx where xx is an integer between 1 and 10,000.
xx found :where xx is the integer being searched for
xx NOT FOUND :where xx is the integer being searched for and was not found
2.2.4 Print
The print command uses the single character p as the command token. This command will
invoke the printAll function described in detail below.
This command is critical for verification of all the commands specified above.
1Quoted from William Pugh’s write up on Wikipedia.
For the input file named in10.txt
With the RNG unseeded,
the current Skip List is shown below:
77; 77;
450; 450;
---End of Skip List---
2.3 Classes and Functions
2.3.1 Classes
SkipList The SkipList class shall contain, at a minimum, the following methods.
insert The features and performance of the insert method is defined by the behavior
described above.
promote The features and performance of the promote method is defined by the
behavior described in the behavior of the insert commmand decribed above.
delete The features and performance of the delete method is defined by the behavior
described above.
search The features and performance of the search method is defined by the behavior
described above.
printAll The printAll method prints the contents of the whole skip list in the format
specified below.
Additional methods and properties will be required to successfully implement the methods specified above.
2.3.2 Functions
complexityIndicator Prints to STDERR the following:
A difficulty rating of difficult you found this assignment on a scale of 1.0 (easy-peasy)
through 5.0 (knuckle busting degree of difficulty).
Duration, in hours, of the time you spent on this assignment.
Sample output:
ff210377@eustis:~/COP3503$ ff210377;3.5;18.5
3 Testing
Make sure to test your code on Eustis even if it works perfectly on your machine. If
your code does not compile on Eustis you will receive a 0 for the assignment. There will be
10 input files and 9 output files provided for testing your code, they are respectively shown
in Table 2 and in Table 3.
Filename Description
input01.txt Insert 7 integers with 2 searches and a delete the
prints the skiplist.
in5.txt Five integers inserted with no duplicates. Prints
the skiplist.
in5del2.txt Five integers added followed by two deletes. One
will be a delete of a non-existent integer. Prints
the skiplist.
in5del1srch1.txt Five names added, one valid delete, followed by
a valid search, then an invalid search. Prints the
in10.txt 10 integers inserted with no duplicates. Prints the
in100.txt 100 integers inserted. Prints the skiplist
in100m5000.txt 100 random integers (all modulo 5,000) inserted
with random deletes.
in10k-m5000.txt 10,000 integers (all modulo 5,000) inserted with
random deletes.
in1m-m5000.txt 1,000,000 integers (all modulo 5,000) inserted with
random deletes.
mega5.txt 5,000,000 random integers with random deletes.
(For entertainment value, as it takes a long
time to complete.)
Table 2: Input files
The expected output for these test cases will also be provided as defined in Table 3. To
compare your output to the expected output you will first need to redirect STDOUT to a
text file. Run your code with the following command (substitute the actual names of the
input and output file appropriately):
java Hw02 inputFile > output.txt
The run the following command (substitute the actual name of the expected output file):
diff output.txt expectedOutputFile
Make sure that the Random Number Generator is NOT seeded. That is, do not use
the r option when testing.
If there are any differences the relevant lines will be displayed (note that even a single extra
space will cause a difference to be detected). If nothing is displayed, then congratulations
- the outputs match! For each of the five (5) test cases, your code will need to output
to STDOUT text that is identical to the corresponding expectedOutputFile. If your code
crashes for a particular test case, you will not get credit for that case.
4 Submission - via WebCourses
The Java source file(s). Make sure that the main program is in Hw02.java.
Use reasonable and customary naming conventions for any classes you may create for
this assignment.
5 Sample output
ff210377@eustis:~/cop3503/hw2 $ java Hw02 in10.txt
For the input file named in10.txt
With the RNG unseeded,
the current Skip List is shown below:
77; 77;
450; 450;
---End of Skip List---
ff210377@eustis:~/cop3503/hw2 $ java Hw02 in10.txt >in10St.txt
ff210377@eustis:~/cop3503/hw2 $ diff in10St.txt in10Valid.txt
ff210377@eustis:~/cop3503/hw2 $
Note: This is based on an actual skip list output using the inputs specified in the commands
shown above.
Note The ff210377;3.5;18.5 output shown above is the output from the complexityIndicator function to STDERR.
Command Validly formatted output files
java Hw02 in5.txt > in5St.txt in5Valid.txt
java Hw02 in5del1srch1.txt >in5del1srch1St.txt in5del1srch1Valid.txt
java Hw02 in5del2.txt >in5del2St.txt in5del2Valid.txt
java Hw02 in10.txt > in10St.txt in10Valid.txt
java Hw02 in100.txt > in100St.txt in100Valid.txt
java Hw02 in100m5000.txt > in100m5000St.txt in100m5000Valid.txt
java Hw02 in10k-m5000.txt > in10k-m5000St.txt in10k-m5000Valid.txt
java Hw02 in1m-m1000.txt > in1m-m1000St.txt in1m-m1000Valid.txt
Table 3: Commands with input files and corresponding output files.
6 Grading
Grading will be based on the following rubric:
Percentage Description
-100 Cannot compile on Eustis.
- 80 Cannot read input files.
- 25 Cannot insert an integer into skip list.
- 25 Does not build a valid entry for the lowest/highest integer in the skip list.
- 25 Cannot promote integer up one level using a fair coin
- 25 Cannot search for an integer in the skip list correctly.
This includes a search for a non-existent integer.
- 25 Cannot print the contents of the skip list correctly.
- 25 Cannot delete an matching entry in the skip list correctly. This includes the error case of correctly handling
an attempted delete of a non-exstent integer.
- 25 Does not support the random option of either an upper
or lower case R to seed the random number generator
and produce different skiplists based on a different seed
- 10 Output does not match expectedOutput.txt exactly.
Table 4: Grading Rubric


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