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Assembly Language and Computer Organization


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© 2021 Robin Pottathuparambil Page 1 of 2

Programming Assignment #4

CSCE 2610 - Assembly Language and Computer Organization

Summer 2021

100 Points

Instructions: Compile and simulate the assembly programs (.S file) using DS-5 simulator

and make sure it’s working. Comment your assembly programs. Create an assignment

folder with folder name as euid_PA4 (example: xyz0202_PA4) and add all the source files

(.S file) and the readme file to the folder. Please create a zip archive of your assignment

folder and upload the zip file to Canvas. Not following the above instructions could

result in not accepting your work. Late submissions are not allowed.

1. Write an ARMv8 assembly function to convert a given word to all lower case and find

the length of the given word. The base address of the input string (word) is passed

using register X1 and the resultant length should be stored in X0. Assume all the

registers are used by the main (caller) function to store some data before calling the

function. Write a main assembly function to test the assembly function. Create a static

character array (string) that is stored in the data section of the assembly code. Pass

the base address of the static array as an input to test the function and store the

returned value from the function in X20. Assemble, test, and simulate the assembly

code using DS-5 simulator. Do not upload the entire DS-5 project. Only upload the

assembly file (.S file) from the DS-5 project to Canvas. Comment your assembly code.

(35 Points)

2. A snail fell in a 300 meter well and wants to go back up. Every day it goes back up onehalf (1/2) of the distance that is left to go up. The total distance y the snail climbed back

in n days is computed by the equation 𝑦𝑦 = ∑ 300/2 𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑥 𝑥𝑥=1 . The input n is in register X20

and is a non-zero positive integer less than 250. The output y should be stored in

register S20. Use single precision floating-point to compute y. Assemble, test, and

simulate the assembly code using DS-5 simulator. Do not upload the entire DS-5

project. Only upload the assembly file (.S file) from the DS-5 project to Canvas.

Comment your code. (25 Points)

3. Natural log of a value is computed as ln(1 + 𝑥𝑥) = ∑ (−1)(𝑛𝑛+1)




𝑛𝑛=1 . Write a ARMv8

assembly program to compute natural log of a value. Assume the input x is in D20

and the input a is in X20. Store the result in D21. The user input x is a double precision

floating-point value between 0.0 and 5.0. The user input a is a 64-bit non-negative 

© 2021 Robin Pottathuparambil Page 2 of 2

integer less than 5000. Use double precision floating-point for the computation.

Assemble, test, and simulate the assembly code using DS-5 simulator. Do not upload

the entire DS-5 project. Only upload the assembly file (.S file) from the DS-5 project

to Canvas. Comment your code. (40 Points)

An example assembly code (string_code.S and first_fp.S) is posted on canvas to jump

start your assignment.


1. Commented assembly code for question 1, 2, and 3

2. A readme file that describes how to compile, execute, and test the assembly code.


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