How to Write a VPN in Python: Step-by-Step Tutorial

In order to keep you safe when using the internet, you can use a tool called VPN. It’s the short version of a Virtual Private Network, a service that you can use to keep your IP address masked when browsing the internet. In short, the service will make you anonymous when going online. (Ambien)

Some VPN providers usually offer the services in two versions: free and paid. The free version of VPN generally consists of the basic feature, which enables the channeled connection to limited servers. Usually, the ping can be very high due to the location distance.

The premium ones, on the other hand, can be quite pricey. If you think a VPN provider is valuable and worth investing in, then this is the version you can buy. Aside from giving you generosity in terms of features like extra servers, low ping, and advanced protection, these VPNs will offer additional functionalities that you can use daily. For a review of the best VPN providers on the market, visit

But aside from the two, you can also write the VPN yourself through Python. Today, let’s learn how to do it.

What You Need to Prepare:

In order to write the VPN, you need to prepare:

  • Internet access
  • Computer
  • A VPN account from the provider
  • VPN Library
  • Basic knowledge of Phyton
  • Understanding of how VPN works in general
  • And ssh tunnel to create the encrypted connection.

How to Write a VPN in Python

Now that everything has been prepared, are you ready to start?

So for the initial step, you need to know the basics first. In order to write the VPN using Phyton, you’ll need the Python library first. The library should be the one that fits our purpose here. And since there are tons of Phyton libraries to choose from, we’ll walk you through what are the available options.

1 – Pick The Python Library

As we’ve mentioned before, VPNs are a simple and nice way to keep you stay secured from all the possibilities of cyberattacks. Those are not something that we should neglect. In fact, these attacks have been quite dangerous lately, so extra protection is definitely needed.

You see, there are lots of VPN types out there, and each with its own unique features and functionalities. Choose the right VPN for your needs from the plethora of VPN deals. So, in order to write one, you have to know what’s the proper Python library to make it happen.

We have some options here:

  • PyVPN is a popular one that’s generally used to write VPNs. If you wish to find the one with all functions, this is it.
  • OpenVPN, another popular option on our list, is known for its ease to use. However, it can be more complex compared to PyVPN because it’s highly customizable.

You see, this is where everything gets a little complicated, but we’ll walk you through it. By doing a bit long process, and we have VPN with dedicated IP that we made ourselves! The next step you need to do is adjust the settings. Follow our complete tutorials on how to do so.

2 – Installing The Library

The next step after picking the suitable Python library is to install it. In order to do so, you have to create a VPN object, the amount of data that contains all important information to manage the connection made by the VPN.

After that step is done, it’s time to create the instance for the VPN by inputting the two arguments: server address or IP address, depending on what you have, and port number, which you can see from the data obtained from the provider.

If you see the other optional arguments, you can pass them. However, you need to consider the one that consists of the info on whether the VPN is encrypted or not.

3 – Adjusting The Settings

This might need a bit of effort to input more additional info but bare with us. Do you remember that in the previous step, we need to create the VPN object? Now is the time to configure its settings. And make sure to input all the info correctly based on the information obtained from the VPN provider. This is the reason why you need to have a VPN account.

So, you can start entering some info on the settings including the name of the VPN, the IP address, sever’s a port, encryption type, and of course, the password. If you already have all the necessary information on your sleeve, this step shouldn’t take too long.

4 – Connect to The Server

After all, is prepared, now is time to finally connect to the VPN server. To do this, you have to open the terminal Window, and enter this code:

As you can see, this will open a connection to a VPN server with port 443. After that, enter the necessary VPN credentials and click Enter.

5 – Testing The Connection

Now that everything has been connected, maybe we can test it out a little bit. To do so, open the terminal Window again, and enter the command:

Right after hitting Enter, you’ll see a line of command like this:

And then, the next step is to use the following command on the ipconfig:

And then, test the VPN connection by using the ping tool. If every step is correctly done, it should be working at this point.