Top 100 AP Statistics project ideas

AP Statistics project ideas

Embarking on an AP Statistics project is an exciting journey that allows students to apply their statistical knowledge to real-world scenarios. Whether you’re crunching numbers, analyzing data, or creating informative visuals, the possibilities are endless. In this blog, we’ve compiled a list of the top 100 AP Statistics project ideas to inspire you and showcase the diverse applications of statistical analysis.

Top 100 AP Statistics project ideas

Descriptive Statistics Projects

  1. Population Demographics: Analyze and compare demographic data from different regions to identify trends.
  2. Restaurant Reviews: Evaluate online reviews to determine the most popular restaurants and factors influencing customer satisfaction.
  3. Athlete Performance: Investigate the correlation between training hours and athletic performance in various sports.
  4. Weather Patterns: Examine historical weather data to identify patterns and trends in temperature, precipitation, and more.
  5. Social Media Trends: Analyze social media data to explore trends in user engagement and content popularity.
  6. Educational Success: Investigate factors contributing to academic success, such as study habits and attendance.
  7. Movie Ratings: Examine movie ratings and box office success to identify factors influencing film popularity.
  8. Health and Lifestyle: Analyze data on diet, exercise, and health outcomes to uncover lifestyle patterns.
  9. Economic Indicators: Explore economic indicators like GDP and unemployment rates to understand economic trends.
  10. Consumer Spending: Investigate consumer spending habits and analyze their impact on the economy.

Inferential Statistics Projects

  1. Hypothesis Testing in Sports: Test hypotheses related to player performance, team dynamics, or game outcomes.
  2. Political Polling: Conduct polls to analyze public opinion on political issues and predict election outcomes.
  3. Stock Market Analysis: Investigate stock market trends and correlations to predict future market movements.
  4. Crime Rate Analysis: Examine crime data to identify patterns and factors influencing crime rates.
  5. Medical Treatment Efficacy: Analyze data on medical treatments to assess their effectiveness.
  6. Traffic Patterns: Study traffic data to identify congestion patterns and propose solutions.
  7. Housing Market Trends: Analyze housing market data to predict property values and market trends.
  8. Educational Interventions: Evaluate the effectiveness of educational interventions on student performance.
  9. Environmental Impact: Investigate the impact of human activities on the environment using relevant data.
  10. Insurance Claim Analysis: Examine insurance claim data to identify patterns and assess risk factors.
Also read: DCC Micro Project Topics

Regression Analysis Projects

  1. Salary Prediction: Predict salaries based on factors such as education, experience, and location.
  2. Predicting Crime Rates: Use regression analysis to predict crime rates based on various factors.
  3. Energy Consumption: Analyze data to predict future energy consumption patterns and propose energy-saving solutions.
  4. Customer Satisfaction: Predict customer satisfaction scores based on factors like service quality and response time.
  5. Employee Turnover: Identify factors contributing to employee turnover and predict future turnover rates.
  6. COVID-19 Spread: Model the spread of infectious diseases based on various factors.
  7. Predicting Stock Prices: Utilize regression analysis to predict future stock prices.
  8. Predicting Graduation Rates: Identify predictors of graduation rates and create a model to predict success.
  9. Social Media Influence: Analyze data to predict the impact of social media campaigns on brand awareness.
  10. Predicting Website Traffic: Use regression analysis to predict website traffic based on various parameters.

Experimental Design Projects

  1. A/B Testing in Marketing: Conduct A/B tests to assess the effectiveness of different marketing strategies.
  2. Drug Trials: Design and analyze experiments to test the efficacy of new medications.
  3. Product Design Optimization: Optimize product designs by conducting experiments to identify the most effective features.
  4. Traffic Signal Timing: Experiment with different traffic signal timings to reduce congestion.
  5. Educational Intervention Experiments: Test the impact of various teaching methods on student learning outcomes.
  6. Social Media Ad Effectiveness: Design experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of social media advertising.
  7. E-commerce Website Optimization: Optimize website features through experiments to enhance user experience.
  8. Quality Control in Manufacturing: Implement statistical methods to improve quality control in manufacturing processes.
  9. Environmental Impact Experiments: Design experiments to assess the impact of environmental policies on ecosystems.
  10. Nutritional Studies: Conduct experiments to evaluate the impact of different diets on health outcomes.

Survey and Sampling Projects

  1. Public Opinion Surveys: Conduct surveys to gather public opinions on social or political issues.
  2. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Collect feedback through surveys to assess customer satisfaction with products or services.
  3. Product Market Research: Conduct market research surveys to understand consumer preferences.
  4. Political Campaign Surveys: Gather data through surveys to assess voter preferences during political campaigns.
  5. Healthcare Access Surveys: Investigate healthcare access by conducting surveys in different communities.
  6. Workplace Diversity Surveys: Collect data on workplace diversity to analyze and propose improvements.
  7. Educational Attainment Surveys: Survey individuals to assess educational attainment levels in different demographics.
  8. Community Service Impact: Assess the impact of community service projects through targeted surveys.
  9. Transportation Habits: Investigate transportation habits through surveys to propose sustainable solutions.
  10. Social Media Usage Surveys: Collect data on social media usage patterns to understand trends and preferences.

Time Series Analysis Projects

  1. Stock Price Forecasting: Use time series analysis to forecast stock prices over a specific period.
  2. Weather Forecast Accuracy: Evaluate the accuracy of weather forecasts using historical data.
  3. Sales Forecasting: Predict future sales based on historical sales data and market trends.
  4. Traffic Volume Prediction: Use time series analysis to predict future traffic volumes.
  5. Energy Consumption Trends: Analyze time series data to identify trends in energy consumption.
  6. Unemployment Rate Trends: Study time series data to identify trends in unemployment rates.
  7. Crime Rate Trends: Analyze time series data to identify long-term trends in crime rates.
  8. Website Traffic Trends: Study website traffic data to identify patterns and predict future trends.
  9. Population Growth Trends: Use time series analysis to predict future population growth.
  10. Epidemic Spread Trends: Analyze time series data to understand the trends in epidemic spread.

Machine Learning Projects

  1. Credit Scoring Model: Develop a machine learning model to predict credit scores based on various factors.
  2. Fraud Detection: Build a model to detect fraudulent activities in financial transactions.
  3. Customer Churn Prediction: Predict customer churn in businesses based on historical data.
  4. Image Recognition for Medical Diagnoses: Use machine learning to analyze medical images for diagnostic purposes.
  5. Sentiment Analysis: Analyze social media or customer reviews to determine sentiment trends.
  6. Predicting Election Outcomes: Utilize machine learning to predict election outcomes based on various factors.
  7. Automated Speech Recognition: Build a model to transcribe spoken words into written text.
  8. Recommendation Systems: Develop a recommendation system for products, movies, or music.
  9. Disease Prediction: Predict the likelihood of disease based on patient data and medical history.
  10. Automated Language Translation: Build a model for automated language translation.


Embarking on an AP Statistics project offers a chance to apply statistical concepts to real-world scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject. Whether you choose a project in descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, regression analysis, experimental design, survey and sampling, time series analysis, or machine learning, the key is to approach it with curiosity and a commitment to unveiling the story hidden within the data.