Top 17+ Intermediate Python Projects For Developers

Intermediate Python Projects

Python, the versatile and powerful programming language, has established itself as a favorite among developers for its simplicity and readability. After mastering the basics, you might be eager to dive into more challenging projects to take your Python skills to the next level. Whether you’re an aspiring developer or a seasoned programmer looking to sharpen your Python prowess, we have compiled a list of the best intermediate Python projects that will elevate your coding game.

These projects are carefully chosen to strike a balance between complexity and practicality, allowing you to explore various Python libraries, frameworks, and APIs. As you embark on this Python adventure, you will encounter opportunities to build applications that can solve real-world problems, create visualizations, manipulate data, and more. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to immerse yourself in a world of stimulating intermediate Python projects!

For those seeking guidance or assistance with these projects, consider utilizing resources like “Python Programming assignment help.” This service can provide you with the support and expertise needed to overcome challenges and fully grasp the intricacies of each project.

What Is Python Programming?

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented, and functional programming.

Importance of Using Intermediate Python Projects

Engaging in intermediate Python projects holds immense significance for burgeoning programmers due to the following reasons:

Skill Progression

Intermediate projects enable learners to advance from basic concepts to more intricate programming techniques, enhancing their overall skill set.

Real-World Relevance

These projects simulate real-world coding scenarios, imparting practical problem-solving abilities crucial for professional development.

Complexity Handling

Dealing with intermediate projects aids in understanding code organization, debugging, and optimizing, preparing learners for more intricate codebases.

Innovation and Creativity

Such projects encourage creativity by providing room for personalized features and functionalities beyond standard exercises.

Portfolio Enhancement

Completion of intermediate projects adds impressive content to one’s programming portfolio, showcasing expertise and attracting potential employers.

Also Read: Cybersecurity Projects For Beginners

Fun Beginner to Intermediate Python Projects With Source Code

Here are ten intermediate-level Python projects along with their source code. These projects will help you further enhance your Python skills and gain hands-on experience in various aspects of programming. Let’s get started!

1. To-Do List Application

The To-Do List Application is a classic project that allows users to manage their tasks effectively. Users can add, delete, and mark tasks as completed. It involves file handling to save tasks to a text file so that users can retrieve their to-do list even after closing the application.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

2. Web Scraper

The Web Scraper project enables you to extract data from websites using Python’s web scraping libraries like BeautifulSoup and requests. You can scrape data from a specific webpage and save it to a CSV file for further analysis.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

3. Password Manager

The Password Manager is a secure application that allows users to generate, store, and manage their passwords. It employs encryption techniques to protect sensitive information and uses a graphical user interface (GUI) for a user-friendly experience. However, this is one of the best intermediate Python projects. 

Source Code: GitHub Repository

4. Image Filters and Effects

The Image Filters and Effects project lets users apply various filters (e.g., grayscale, sepia, blur) and effects (e.g., vintage, sketch) to images. It uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to manipulate images and provides a command-line interface for ease of use.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

5. Weather Forecast App

The Weather Forecast App fetches real-time weather data from an API and displays it to the user. Users can enter a location, and the application will retrieve weather information such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

6. Finance Tracker

Finance Tracker is one of the well-known beginner to intermediate Python projects. The Finance Tracker is a useful tool to keep track of your personal finances. It allows you to log expenses and incomes, calculate the total balance, and view visualizations of your spending habits over time.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

7. URL Shortener

The URL Shortener project converts long URLs into short and manageable links. It utilizes third-party APIs for shortening the URLs and allows users to access the original link by using the shortened version.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

8. Chatbot

The Chatbot project involves building a simple conversational bot using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. You can implement it with libraries like NLTK or SpaCy and create a basic chat interface for users to interact with the bot.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

9. Sudoku Solver

The Sudoku Solver is an exciting project that solves a given Sudoku puzzle using backtracking algorithms. It reads the puzzle from a text file, finds the solution, and then displays the solved Sudoku grid. This is one of the most important intermediate Python projects. 

Source Code: GitHub Repository

10. Web-based Calculator

The Web-based Calculator is a Flask-based application that provides a graphical user interface for performing basic arithmetic calculations. It allows users to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Source Code: GitHub Repository

Fun Intermediate Python Projects

Here are fun intermediate-level Python projects:

1. Web-based File Explorer

Create a web application that mimics a file explorer, allowing users to navigate, upload, and manage files within their browser.

2. Hangman Game

Develop the classic word-guessing game where players attempt to guess a hidden word letter by letter, with limited attempts before the hanging figure is completed.

3. Currency Converter

Build a tool that converts between different currencies, providing real-time exchange rates and allowing users to calculate equivalent amounts. This is one of the most fun intermediate Python projects. 

4. Blogging Platform

Construct a platform for users to create and publish their own blogs, complete with features like user authentication, post creation, and commenting.

5. Quiz Application

Design an interactive quiz app that presents questions to users and evaluates their answers, providing immediate feedback and a final score.

6. Music Player

Develop a music player application that enables users to play, pause, skip, and organize their music collection via a graphical user interface.

7. Image Gallery

Create a visual gallery where users can upload, view, and organize images, with options to apply filters or organize by categories.

8. Password Generator

Craft a utility that generates strong and secure passwords based on user-defined criteria, enhancing password safety.

Steps On How To Build Python Project

Building a Python project involves several key steps to ensure its successful development.

1. Project Setup: Create a dedicated directory for your project. Use virtualenv to isolate dependencies.

2. Define Requirements: List necessary libraries and dependencies in a requirements.txt file.

3. Code Structure: Organize your code into modules or packages. Use a main script as an entry point.

4. Version Control: Initialize a Git repository to track changes and collaborate with others.

5. Coding: Write clean, modular, and well-documented code following PEP 8 guidelines.

6. Testing: Develop unit tests using frameworks like a unit test or pytest to ensure code functionality.

7. Functionality Implementation: Build project features incrementally, testing as you go.

8. Logging: Implement logging to track errors and gain insights into your project’s behavior.

9. Documentation: Create a clear README with instructions for installation, usage, and examples.

10. Continuous Integration (CI): Integrate CI tools like Travis CI or GitHub Actions to automate testing and deployment.

11. Versioning: Use semantic versioning (SemVer) to manage releases and changes.

12. Packaging: Distribute your project using tools like setuptools or wheel for easy installation.

13. Deployment: Choose hosting options like cloud services or dedicated servers.

14. Monitoring and Maintenance: Set up monitoring for errors and performance and continue maintaining the project with updates and bug fixes.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to build a well-structured and functional Python project.


As developers progress in their Python journey, tackling intermediate python projects is crucial for honing their skills and deepening their understanding of the language’s capabilities. The projects mentioned in this blog span various domains, including web development, data manipulation, automation, and more. By taking on these projects, developers can enhance their problem-solving abilities, expand their portfolio, and prepare themselves for more complex challenges in the world of Python programming.