Enhanced For Loop Java

Enhanced For Loop Java

Software developers use many coding languages for making websites and mobile apps, and they learn many syntaxes that are difficult to learn for all people. So coding platforms (Java, javascript, python, and so on) work on themselves to make this coding easy for developers, and they are inventing day-to-day new techniques that help make coding platforms easy for people.

Enhanced for loop is a new invention in the programming world. Before this, we simply used “for loop,” which is applicable for the countable iterations. But now, it (Enhanced for loop) is used for infinite iterations. Being Enhanced-for loop which has the features of traversing an array allows you to print that value and iterate the -loop. Enhanced for-loop is very simple and flexible.

It is useful for situations where you need to perform a simple operation on each element of a collection or array, such as printing the elements or adding them to a new collection. 

Enhanced for-loops in Java are a new feature introduced in Java 5. It is mainly used to work with and traverse arrays and collection elements.

Enhanced for-loop is used to scan all elements of an array. We can’t use an enhanced for loop with a fixed number of elements. If we need some specific number of elements, then we have to use the standard for loop.

We can perform addition, subtraction, etc. with elements using an enhanced for loop.

With the help of break and continue. You can control the behavior of enhanced loops.

In this article, we will discuss “Enhanced For Loop Java” and we also see how to use this. Please continue with us.

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What is Enhanced for loop in Java?

The enhanced for loop in Java is a type of loop that is used to iterate over the elements of a collection or an array.

It was introduced in Java SE 5.0 as a way to simplify the process of iterating over a collection or array of objects. The enhanced for loop uses a simplified syntax that allows you to iterate over the elements of a collection or array without having to use indexing or bounds checking.

It automatically handles the iteration process, including getting the next element and checking for the end of the collection or array. 

The enhanced for loop is used to simplify loops and make code more readable, for example, it can be used to replace an iterator.

For each loop, it is the most convenient loop to retrieve the elements of Array and collections.

For each loop mainly used to fetch the values from a collection-like array.

Each loop  is also called an enhanced for loop. There is another form of, “for loop” called “for-each loop” introduced as part of the java5 feature.

It is mainly used to work/traverse with arrays and collection elements.

Declaration:- It is a variable, is of a type compatible with the elements of the array you are accessing.

Expression:- This evaluates to the array you need to loop through.  The expression can be an array variable or method call that returns an array.

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With the help of the example here :

public class EnhancedLoop{
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int [] Bankbalance={ 1050,7465, 4252, 5861487 };
        for (int x: Bankbalance) {
            System.out.print (x);
        String [] Bankname= {"JPMorgan Chase", "Bank of America", "Wells Fargo & Co.", "PNC Financial Services"};
        for(String y: Bankname) {

In the example, we have created an array of integers and the array name Bankbalance. how you write an integer (int with bracket [] then the array name equal to in braces {} you are element and value of the array). The array holds more than 1 value.

In the case of the for-loop and the other type of loop, you have a single value; it is various if you want to traverse each and every element of an array using an enhanced-for loop. 

In this case what we try to do

We write the syntax with for keyword in the bracket, we create a variable the variable name here is X and it is an integer type. Because the array wants to traverse integer type so you write int x than with:  this colon is necessary to the difference between your declaration and expression. followed with the array name that you have given for the array or the method called that returns an array. 

So, this array name array variable is nothing but fetches each of the element values of the array and then stores return in X. Next line says that please print the value of X. it says that please traverse each and every element in an array then please print them.

If you want to like it, we have to provide a break and continue the statement. You can also provide any condition here if you want to. But this is a simple 

Example for explaining how you can traverse every element in an array. So, if you keep printing it will keep repeating the loop. If you remember for-loop is for a  number of times, if you know how many times a loop is to run only then you use for-loop. Being Enhanced-for loop which has the features of traverse of an array allows you to print that value and iterator the loop.

In this case, it will iterate the loop 4 times as the array holds the value 4 that is (1050, 7465, 4252, 5861487 ). there it will keep printing the value where it will separate each of the values with a comma. 

Next for a better understanding we have also created an array of strings just to understand that the traversing of elements of an array can be done with the string as well.

we have created a string of array the array name is the Bankname and the value that would want to provide. In this case, we have provided 4 names you can provide as many names as you would want to print. 

Now we write an expression that is an enhanced-for loop. For that, we write (for) a keyword then bracket, we provide or create a variable that is compatible with that of the array that you are trying to traverse. There for your right, the string name you have created is the variable or name of the typed string followed by the colon, and then write the array name or The method call to an array this is nothing but names.

Now in the bracket that is in your braces, you will try printing the values of each of the elements that you have to traverse in an array.

So for better understanding lets us run this program practically and see what happens.


Now you can see we have got the deserved output which we want.

Limitation of Enhanced for loop in Java?

1. For each loop is not a general-purpose loop.

2. It is applicable only to Arrays and collections

3. You Can’t retrieve a particular set of values.

Advantages of Enhanced for loop in Java

1. It works because it increases the abstraction level.

2. Instead of working on how to loop around a list or array (with an index or iterator), the developer simply states that they want to loop and the language takes care of the rest.

3. This aids readability and clarity. Because of  “Higher abstraction“.

4. It eliminates the possibility of programming errors and makes the code more readable.

Disadvantage of Enhanced for loop in Java

  1. The enhanced for loop in Java is less flexible than a traditional for loop, as it can only be used to iterate over a collection or array and cannot be used to iterate through a range of numbers or perform other types of iteration.
  1. The enhanced for loop in Java does not provide access to the index or counter variable, which can be useful in certain situations, such as when you need to know the current index of the iteration. This can be overcome by using the traditional for loop or by using an iterator.

Uses of Enhanced for loop in Java

  1. The enhanced for loop uses a simplified syntax that makes it easy to read and understand, making your code more readable and maintainable.
  1. The enhanced for loop automatically handles the iteration process, including getting the next element and checking for the end of the collection or array, which eliminates the need for explicit indexing and bounds checking.
  1. The enhanced for loop can be used in a functional programming paradigm with the use of streams.
  1. It can be used to simplify nested loops.
  1. The enhanced for loop is an efficient and convenient way to process large amounts of data, as it eliminates the need for explicit indexing and bounds checking, and reduces the possibility of errors.


We hope this information is useful to you. We provided complete information to you for “Enhanced For Loop Java” in a simple and easy way. With the help of this information, you can make a better understanding of Enhanced-For Loop in  Java and you can easily use it in your coding programs.