The Evolution of Cloud Native Applications and APIs architecture

The Evolution of Cloud-Native Applications and APIs architecture

The writing of this article is based on questions from several entities who often ask how ready their organization is to move to Cloud Native. On the other hand, we see that many companies are transforming towards cloud-native, but they don’t know what to do, and even the methods used tend to be contrary to cloud-native principles.

In this article, we’ll try to explain how and the right steps to do the transformation to cloud-native correctly. The writing in this article is based on an in-depth discussion of the book entitled Cloud Native Transformation and the web, which discusses this.

If we talk about cloud-native, then it can be said that all of us, including us, are juniors in this matter. This technology is still considered very new, and our understanding of both the architecture and the pattern continues to grow. Thus, information sharing is a key determinant or very essential to accelerate the transformation of our organization to cloud native.

This cloud-native is not just a collection of technologies and tools that we use. It is also a philosophical approach to building applications that fully take advantage of cloud computing. 

This new paradigm embraces not only new technologies but also new ways of working. So, in short, the transformation to cloud-native requires a new way of thinking and a new way of working.

The question arises, do we need to use this cloud native pattern in all organizations or companies now? Do organizations that are relatively stable and get measurable and definite revenue every month need to transform to cloud-native as well?

We’re very confident and dare to answer YES. 

In today’s situation, where all information travels quickly, computer and internet technology has developed very rapidly, then all of these conditions lead to the answer being Yes. We must adapt to this cloud-native as soon as possible. Cloud native observability is essential for managing and troubleshooting modern, distributed systems in order to ensure their reliability and performance, enabling organizations to harness the full potential of cloud computing and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. 

If it’s too late, our organization will be unable to compete and will be left behind by the market. It’s even possible that our organization will not be able to survive. Take as an example Nokia. Due to a lack of adaptation and innovation, they cannot survive and are defeated by the times.

Every company should also need to maintain a good and safe way of communication, And there are so many ways to achieve this; for example, they can use ExpressVPN to enable secure communication. This will make sure that each communication process will always be safe and private.

Here is a matrix that we can use to monitor how mature and ready we are to transform. We can also use this matrix to find out where we are now so that we can decide what steps we should take.

We can use this matrix to define, analyze, and describe the organizational context, both the goals and objectives and continually reassess it as the migration process progresses.

Area 1- No Process

The first area is the area of ​​an organization that is running with no processes in use, or we like to call it the bar area. On average, they rush first and then think.

Area 2 Waterfall Process

There is already a better, planned, and measurable process, but the process and results take a long time to see. This process is no longer relevant to the current conditions.

Area 3 Agile Processes

The process used is already better. Processes and results can be seen as quickly as possible and can adapt to all circumstances. However, there are still many things that make all processes not move quickly and tend to be high costs, or costs are still very high.

Area 4 Cloud-Native Process

It is an ideal process that we must achieve and use for the current conditions. All processes run effectively and efficiently. The cost has also very significantly increased efficiency. This is why it happens because all processes already support each other and synergize. The main feature is the occurrence of automation in a number of things that were previously done manually.

We go into an explanation of the several stages in the matrix above.

Culture or Habits

In this section, we can describe it as how individuals within an organization interact with one another. And usually, this is a hallmark of an organization. This section is also the basic capital for other parts to run well and smoothly.

No Process: Individualist

Communication is only based on personal preferences; there is no agreed “formal” way to communicate. This culture usually occurs in startups.

Waterfall: Predictive

The focus is on delivering complex systems according to deadlines, and the system specifications must be exactly the same as what was previously agreed upon. Tend not to “dabble” (experiments). Everything must be “certain”.

There is a lot of documentation, procedures, segregation of teams based on specialization, and regular meetings (e.g., weekly meetings). This culture usually occurs in medium-to-large enterprises.

Agile: Iterative

Smaller and simpler goals. Focus on achieving the goal in the shortest possible time.

Tend to focus on the short-term rather than the long-term. That doesn’t mean you don’t have long-term goals. But we turn big goals into small goals.

Communication is done briefly, for example, in daily meetings.

Cloud-Native: Collaborative

Goals tend to be broad but not deep. Have a broad vision but usually have not set detailed specifications and deadlines. Emphasizes continuous learning and continuous improvement. Self-education, experimentation, and research., and the results will be assessed based on data in the field.

This culture is important for organizations in highly uncertain and rapidly changing industries.

Next: Generative

IT will act as a partner, together with the business team, to “co-create” a solution for the organization.