Perl Vs Python: Key Differences You Should Know

What Is Perl ?

Perl is a high-level interpreted, general-purpose and dynamic programming language. By Larry Wall, it was developed in 1987.

What Is Python?

It is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. By Guido van Rossum it was originally created in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation.

Perl Vs Python

– Perl is a high-level interpreted, general-purpose and dynamic programming language. – Python is a generally used high-level, general-purpose programming language.

Perl Vs Python

– To save Perl Scripts the .pl file extension is used. For example – To save Python Scripts the .py file extension is used. Example:

Perl Vs Python

– Perl is a bit hard to learn. – Python learning is easy.

Perl Vs Python

– To mark the statement blocks Perl uses braces. – In the same way, to mark the statement blocks Python uses indentations.

Want to know more about Perl Vs Python in detail?