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Python Programming

Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given problem.

Goal: Showcase your understanding of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and prepare a technical report examining the algorithm’s performance in a given pro

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Statistics & Analysis

Exploring Tree-Based Regression Methods for 3D Sinusoidal Datavisualize model

Exploring Tree-Based Regression Methods for 3D Sinusoidal Data visualize model predictions for the optimal Gradient-Boosted Regression Tree, a Random

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Matlab & Mathematica

purpose of this experiment is to develop, explore and test Monte Carlo techniques in simulating and finding solutions to real-life random processes.

1 Learning outcomes The purpose of this experiment is to develop, explore and test Monte Carlo techniques in simulating and finding solutions to real

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R Programming

Using the MyOpenMath generated data, replicate the work done in my examples.

Using the MyOpenMath generated data, replicate the work done in my examples. For the grades data set, call your created variable "Final Average"; it

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Statistics & Analysis

Most people wish to work for 35 to 48 years making a decent wage and then retire comfortably for their later years in life.

• Title: Retirement Planning • Background: Most people wish to work for 35 to 48 years making a decent wage and then retire comfortably for

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Python Programming

Produce a summary statistics graph on current_weight, weight_a_year_ago, and height.

Assessment description  This final assessment is a small individual project involving data processing, analysis and visualisation. The project r

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Java Programming

In this assignment, you wil design (using pseudocode) and implement(usingJava) a program that will allow users to interrogate a cleaned subset

Program Description This assignment forms a major part of the assessment (up to 30%) for the Program Design and Implementation unit.   Ple

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Statistics & Analysis

Use the given sample data (midterm_data.dta) to answer this question.

1. Use the given sample data (midterm_data.dta) to answer this question. a. What is the sample mean and standard deviation of the number of steps wal

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C Programming

Demonstrate the ability to decompose a problem into functional parts.

Objectives: Demonstrate the ability to decompose a problem into functional parts. Demonstrate the ability to declare, define and call user functions

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Statistics & Analysis

Use the attached excel to run queries to produce the following analysis.

Use the attached excel to run queries to produce the following analysis. Please use any language possible and return your results in a document, or a

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