Top 10 R Programming Books

The Art of R Programming This is the clearest book to help you understand R programming. The author doesn’t assume any experience with programming or data science.

R in Action By far one of the largest books on R you can find. R in Action spans 600+ pages with a wide variety of exercises for beginners and more experienced coders alike.

Learning R What I like most about this book is how it teaches through example. Learning R introduces many different concepts all from a beginner’s point of view.

Practical Data Science with R Here we have a more theory-based book covering R from the perspective of data science. There are still plenty of exercises in this book but it also covers the idea of data science and how R fits into the equation.

The Book of R This is one of the newest books on the market and it covers R in a very positive light. The Book of R totals a massive 832 pages which is huge for an intro programming book.

R For Everyone If you’re looking to use R for statistics then this is your book. R for Everyone covers the basics of R for beginners, then delves into how R can be used by statisticians for data analysis.

R For Dummies If you’re looking for a much simpler intro guide to R and RStudio then you might like R For Dummies. It tackles the basics of the language from setup to initialization and creating new projects.

Easy R Programming for Beginners It’s a pretty short book at only 156 pages but it does cover a lot of the fundamentals. The writing style is technical but also accurate.

Efficient R Programming Efficient R Programming is one of the few great books made for skilled R programmers.

R Packages R Packages covers the fundamentals of building and sharing your own packages using R.