9 Most Popular Tiktok Programming Languages

1. Python: Behind TikTok's algorithms, offering versatility and efficiency.

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2. JavaScript: Powers interactive features and dynamic content on the platform.

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3. Java: Android app development language for TikTok's mobile application.

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4. Objective-C: Used for iOS app development, ensuring a seamless Apple experience.

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5. Swift: Apple's preferred language for enhancing TikTok's iOS app performance.

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6. Kotlin: Provides enhanced features for TikTok's Android application.

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7. Go (Golang): Used in backend development, ensuring scalable and efficient systems.

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8. Node.js: Empowers server-side applications, enhancing TikTok's real-time capabilities.

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9. Ruby on Rails: Supports web development, contributing to TikTok's platform functionality.

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