React vs Django: Key Difference One Should Know

What is React framework?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces developed by Facebook. It is used by Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Netflix, and many other Fortune 500 companies.

What is the Django framework?

As we all know, Python is an open-source and free programming language that is widely used for website design, web development, and system administration. 

React vs Django

– ReactJs was released in 2013. – Django was first released in 2005.

React vs Django

– ReactJs is a JavaScript library. – Django is a web development framework.

React vs Django

– ReactJS provides a lower level of security. – Django delivers a higher level of security.

React vs Django

– React is more famous. – Django is not extremely famous or in high demand.

React vs Django

– ReactJS makes program binding easier. – The Django framework is used to build and publish applications.

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