Every U.S. city testing free money programs

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1. Not every city: As of October 2023, around 82 U.S. cities across 29 states have participated or are currently participating in GI programs, not every single city.

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2. Varied formats: These programs go beyond a simple "free money" handout. They have diverse structures, targeting, and eligibility criteria.

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3. Pilot nature: Most are pilot programs, meaning they are temporary experiments to assess the impact and feasibility of such initiatives.

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4. Universal Basic Income (UBI):  Provides regular payments to all residents, regardless of income, within a defined geographic area.

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5. Negative Income Tax: Supplements earned income up to a guaranteed level.

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6. Targeted programs: Focus on specific populations like low-income families, unemployed individuals, or youth.

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7. Funding sources: Vary depending on the program, including private donors, foundations, and government grants.

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8. Sustainability: Long-term financial sustainability of large-scale programs remains a concern.

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9. Potential disincentives to work: Some raise concerns about work disincentives, though evidence is mixed and program design plays a role.

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10. Poverty reduction: Can provide a safety net and reduce poverty and economic inequality.

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11. Economic stimulation: Increased spending power could boost local economies.

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12. Improved well-being: Reduced financial stress can lead to better health and well-being outcomes.

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13. Individual empowerment: Can enable individuals to pursue education, entrepreneurship, or caregiving roles.

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14. Ongoing discussion: The merits and limitations of GI programs are actively debated, with ongoing research and pilot programs providing valuable data.

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15. Potential for future policy: While challenges remain, GI programs hold potential as part of broader social safety net reforms, requiring careful design and evaluation.

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