Education revolution urged to boost reading skills

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1. Call for Education Revolution: There is a strong request for a big change in how we teach and learn.

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2. Boost Reading Skills: The focus is on improving the ability to read effectively.

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3. Early Intervention: The suggestion is to start helping kids with reading skills from an early age.

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4. Individual Attention: Each child should get special attention to enhance their reading abilities

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5. Innovative Teaching Methods: Teachers are encouraged to use new and creative ways to teach reading.

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6. Parental Involvement: Parents should actively participate in their children's reading development.

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7. Reading Programs: Implement special programs designed to make reading more enjoyable and effective.

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8. Accessible Resources: Ensure that books and reading materials are easily available to all students.

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9. Technological Tools: Integrate technology to make learning to read more interactive and engaging.

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10. Continuous Improvement: Regularly assess and improve teaching methods based on what works best.

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11. Collaboration: Schools, parents, and communities should work together to create an environment that supports and encourages reading skills development.

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