‘Cocaine Bear’ Review: Is It So Bad It’s Good? No, It’s Luridly Preposterous
The last time a movie was advertised with the this-sounds-so-wretchedly-over-the-top-not-to-mention-insane-it-could-almost-be-fun notion
The title of the film, "Snakes on a Plane," sounded like something Don Simpson wrote in white powder on a table at four in the morning.
As a result, "Snakes on a Plane" appeared to be the first example of blatantly crowdsourced Hollywood schlock.
True, but it was garbage. "Snakes on a Plane" wasn't a terrific idea as the starting point for an intentionally degraded action movie, but it wasn't horrible in a distracting sense either.
On the other side, "Cocaine Bear" might connect the way it intends to. The film is it good? No. Is that bad? Not exactly.
Only if you lower your expectations by walking in expecting to see that, in which case the power of suggestion can lead you to believe that it is.
One that is meant to be a lighthearted discussion starter, even though the title itself is at least partially amusingly basic, so 1980s-meets-Tik-Tok, so outlandish and direct.
The fact that the movie's audience has been conditioned to believe it is theirs is one of "Cocaine Bear's" selling qualities despite the fact that it was never crowdsourced.