C sharp Projects to Upgrade Your Skills

Note-Taking Application

A user can add and save notes using a note-taking programme.

Library Management System

This is yet another wonderful project for individuals learning C# who want to see various C# fundamentals in action.

Online Voting Application

Voting is a straightforward method that can be very effective in a variety of real-world scenarios.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Two players are required to play the traditional game of tic tac toe.

Chat Application

A chat application that enables users to message and talk with one another can be made using C#.

Car Racing Game

Racing is one such genre that is highly popular and has existed pretty much since the inception of video games itself.

Simple Music Player

C# project that, for a number of apparent reasons, is also a favourite of many intermediate-level C# developers.

E-commerce Website

You can create this project as well to improve your understanding of numerous C# concepts.

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