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9 Bugs Scientists Want You to Squash Immediately

Spotted Lanternfly

They can reach lengths of up to an inch (3 centimetres), and their red hind wings are mottled with black dots.

Asian Tiger Mosquito

Dengue, chikungunya, and even the West Nile virus can spread through it. To prevent being bitten, the CDC advises using mosquito sprays with DEET.

Southern Pine Beetle

Although the beetle is native to the Southeast, it is becoming more common in northeastern states like Maine and New Hampshire, where it has the potential to decimate vast tracts of pine woods.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

The East Asian native brown marmorated stink insect has a distinctive appearance that could pass for a Victorian era brooch.

Rosy Wolfsnail aka Cannibal Snail

Originally from the Southeastern states of Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, the pink wolfsnail has moved to Hawaii, where it has put local snails in danger.

Emerald Ash Borer

Ash tree larvae tunnel through the bark, damaging the internal networks that carry water and nutrients to different areas of the tree.

Khapra Beetle

Although this fuzzy bean-looking beetle is little, it is hazardous and should be put to death much like its invasive cousins.

German Yellowjackets

Although they are similarly yellow to bumble bees and can sting repeatedly, they have the audacity to be far more aggressive.

Spongy Moth

The spongy month is capable of defoliating hundreds of tree and shrub species, and the Entomological Society of America changed its name last year because it was offensive to the Romani people.

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