7 Costco Drugstore Items That Are a Waste of Money

While Costco offers many great deals and high-quality products, there are a few drugstore items that might not provide the best value for your money. 

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1. Toothpaste and Dental Products: Large quantities may lead to product expiration and waste.

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2. Over-the-Counter Medications: Some medications may expire before use.

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3. Sunscreen: Large containers may not be used up before they expire.

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4. Cosmetics and Skincare Products: Experimentation with large quantities can result in waste if products are unsuitable.

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5. Vitamins and Supplements: Large bottles may go unused and expire.

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6. Perishable Food Items: Bulk purchases can lead to food waste if not consumed in time.

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7. Shampoo and Conditioner: Large bottles may not be used up before hair care needs change.

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