10 Things You Should Be Buying at Aldi in November
1. A pan that can be used for various cooking tasks.
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2. A cast iron roaster that is perfect for roasting Thanksgiving turkey or other large meats.
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3. A brioche stuffing mix that is easy to prepare and delicious.
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4. Chocolate cookies with peppermint cream filling.
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5. Peanut clusters made with fair-trade cocoa.
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6. Soft gingerbreads that are iced or chocolate-covered.
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7. Fries made with halloumi cheese, which is a semi-hard cheese that is popular in Cypriot and Middle Eastern cuisine.
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8. Flatbreads made with eggplant, cheese, and a variety of spices.
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9. Shrimp that are wrapped in bacon and cooked to perfection.
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10. Jalapenos that are stuffed with bacon, cream cheese, and shrimp.
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