10 Christmas Tree Decorating Tips From Professionals Who Get Paid Big Bucks to Do It Right

1. Fluff branches for a fuller tree; essential advice from Lisa Marie Quinn, former professional decorator.

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2. Start tree decorating with the topper; follow Mary Soroka's rule of three for spacing.

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3. Add mini disco balls for extra twinkle, says luxury tree designer Michelle Dulevich.

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4. Fill gaps with tiny wrapped faux-gifts; a creative solution from Dulevich.

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5. Use metallic white balloons as oversized faux ornaments, suggested by decorator Fatmata.

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6. Mix traditional and sentimental ornaments for visual surprises, as recommended by Cat Greenfield.

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7. Unique ribbon application tip demonstrated by professional tree decorator Amanda.

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8. Drape lights from top downward; advice from World of Christmas UK for a fuller effect.

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9. Enhance tree's luxe look with extra greenery; Amanda Ware's pro tip.

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10. Cluster ornaments for dimension and interest; advice from event stylist Blerta of BM Eventistry.

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