How to Initialize a Vectors in C++: A Beginner’s Guide

Vectors in C++

Vector concepts can sometimes be confusing for students. Understanding vectors is significant for students’ practical understanding and exam preparation. Initialized vectors in C++ can be achieved with various methods. Those methods are provided in this article. You can easily understand those methods and implement them in your learning or practice. 

In this article, you will find all the necessary understanding of vectors. Also, all the possible ways with which you can easily initialize a vector in C++. Vectors are containers that are used to store values, just like an array. But they are slightly different from the variety.”After reading this article, you will have an explicit knowledge of all the concepts related to vectors.

What is a vector in C++?

Vectors are like arrays, which store some values in them. But unlike arrays, vectors are dynamic, and they will change and adjust their size according to requirements and needs. During execution or run time, the vector size can be changed. Vectors do not directly store the data values in them, like arrays. They point to the object, which means they store a copy of the object, not the original object itself.

Why use vectors?

  • Dynamic Size: Vectors can expand or contract automatically, so you don’t need to know the number of elements in advance.
  • User-Friendly: Vectors come with built-in functions that make it easy to add, remove, and access elements. Those functions have an easy syntax that can be easy to be understandable.
  • Efficiency: Vectors are optimized for performance, especially when accessing elements in a sequence that will increase the speed and performance of the overall code. 

How to Initialize a Vector in C++

There are various ways to create and initialize a vector in C++. Here are the most common methods:

1. Empty Vector

You can also create a vector without any elements.


std::vector<int> vec;

Explanation: This will create an empty vector of integers. You can add elements later using push_back().


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

    std::vector<int> vec;




    for (int i : vec) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



5 7 9

2. Vector with the Same Values

You can create a vector with a certain number of elements, all having the same value.


std::vector<int> vec(n, value);

Explanation: Here, n is the number of elements, and value is what each component will be.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

    std::vector<int> vec(4, 50); 

    for (int i : vec) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



50 50 50 50

3. Vector from Another Range

You can create a vector by copying a part of another container, like an array.


std::vector<int> vec(startIterator, endIterator);

Explanation: This copies the elements between startIterator and endIterator into the vector.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

    int arr[] = {10,25,65,14,5};

    std::vector<int> vec(arr, arr + 2; // Copies the first 2 elements from the array into the vector

    for (int i : vec) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



10 25

4. Copy Another Vector

You can create a vector that is an exact copy of another vector.


std::vector<int> vec1 = vec2;

Explanation: This creates a new vector, vec1, that is just like vec2. Changing vec1 will not change vec2.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

    std::vector<int> vec1 = {50,100,150};

    std::vector<int> vec2(vec1); 


    for (int i : vec2) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



50 100 150 200

5. Direct Initialization with Values

You can directly initialize a vector with specific values.


std::vector<int> vec = {value1, value2, value3};

Explanation: This method lets you create a vector with the values you want right away.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

    std::vector<int> vec = {4,3,2,1}; 

    for (int i : vec) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



4 3 2 1

6. Move Initialization

You can move elements from one vector to another using std::move.


std::vector<int> vec1(std::move(vec2));

Explanation: This moves all elements from vec2 to vec1, leaving vec2 empty. It’s faster than copying.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <utility> // Required for std::move

int main() {

    std::vector<int> vec1 = {0,0,0,0};

    std::vector<int> vec2(std::move(vec1)); // Moves everything from vec1 to vec2

    for (int i : vec2) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



0 0 0 0

7. Initialization from Another Container

You can create a vector using elements from another container like std::array.


std::vector<int> vec(otherContainer.begin(), otherContainer.end());

Explanation: This method copies all elements from the other container into the vector.


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <array>

int main() {

    std::array<int, 4> arr = {50,60,70,80};

    std::vector<int> vec(arr.begin(), arr.end()); // Copies all elements from the array into the vector

    for (int i: vec) {

        std::cout << i << ” “;


    return 0;



50 60 70 80 

These methods give you different options to create and work with vectors in C++.

Essential Best Practices for Working with Vectors in C++

Here are some best practices and essential points that should be considered while working on vectors in C++.

1. Use std::vector Instead of Raw Arrays

Vectors are better than raw arrays because they handle their memory and size, making them more accessible and safer to use.


std::vector<int> vec = {4, 5, 6}; 

2. Use reserve() to Allocate Memory Upfront

If you know your vector will need a lot of space, use reserve() to allocate enough memory ahead of time. This helps avoid slowdowns from reallocating memory as the vector grows.


std::vector<int> vec;

vec.reserve(50); // Prepares space for 50 elements in advance

3. Prefer emplace_back() Over push_back()

emplace_back() builds an element directly in the vector, which is usually faster than using push_back(), which adds a copy or a moved object.


std::vector<std::pair<int, std::string>> vec;

vec.emplace_back(1, “one”); // More efficient than push_back

4. Pass Vectors by const Reference

When sending vectors to functions, use const references to avoid copying the entire vector and to prevent its change.


void printVector(const std::vector<int>& vec) {

    for (int value: vec) {

        std::cout << value << ” “; // Efficient and safe



5. Don’t Change a Vector While Iterating

Avoid changing a vector (like adding or removing elements) while looping through it. This can cause errors. Use safe methods to modify the vector during iteration.


std::vector<int> vec = {50, 60, 40, 70};

for (auto it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); /* no increment here */) {

    if (*it == 20) {

        it = vec.erase(it); // Safely removes the element and gets the next iterator

    } else {




Key Benefits of Using Vectors in C++

Here are some Key Benefits Of Using vectors in C++. 

1. Dynamic Resizing

Vectors can automatically grow or shrink as you add or remove items. This is handy when you don’t know how many items you’ll need. For example, if you’re collecting data from users or processing results that vary in size, vectors handle this resizing for you.

2. Storing Collections of Data

Vectors are perfect for keeping lists of related items, like a list of names, numbers, or objects. They make it easy to store, access, and manage these items, so they’re great for tasks like tracking records or managing user data.

3. Fast Access to Elements

Vectors let you quickly access and change items using their position in the list. This means you can soon get or update any item without searching through everything. It’s useful when you need to work with specific items in a list soon.

4. Working with Algorithms

Vectors work well with built-in C++ functions for tasks like sorting or finding items. You can use functions like std::sort to arrange items or std::find to locate specific ones, making it easy to process and organize your data.

5. Handling Changing Data Sizes

Vectors are significant when dealing with data that changes in size, such as reading from files or receiving data from the internet. They adjust their size automatically, so you don’t have to worry about managing the size yourself.

6. Automatic Memory Management

Vectors handle memory for you, so you don’t have to allocate or free up space manually. This makes it simpler to work with dynamic data and reduces the chance of errors related to memory.

Final Words

Initialization of vectors can be done via various methods. Those methods are provided in this article, no matter if you are a student or a developer. If you are working with C++, knowing vectors and their methods is are must knowledge because vectors are used in many practical applications

In this guide, you must have all the knowledge about vectors, their concepts, and their methods. Based on your data and requirements, you can use any process.

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How do you add elements to a vector?

You can add elements using push_back(), which adds an item to the end of the vector. For example, vec.push_back(5); adds the number 5 to the end.

How do you remove elements from a vector?

You can remove elements with pop_back(), which removes the last item, or erase(), which removes a specific item by position. For example: vec.pop_back(); or vec.erase(vec.begin() + 2); (removes the third item).

How do you access elements in a vector?

You can access elements using the [] operator or the at() method. For example, int value = vec [0] or int value = vec. (0). The at() method is safer because it checks if the index is valid.

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