Python Static Variable Explained: When and How to Use Them

Python Static Variable

Static variables are useful when you want the same piece of data shared across all instances of a class. Unlike regular variables that belong to each object, static variables—also called class variables—are shared by every instance of the class. Python handles this with class-level attributes, which work a bit differently from languages like C++ or Java.

In this article, we’ll explain how static variables work in Python, why they’re helpful, and give you some easy examples. Whether you’re new to Python or want to improve your coding, understanding static variables can make your programs simpler and more efficient.

What Is a Static Variable in Python?

In Python, a static variable, also called a class variable, is a value shared by all instances of a class. Unlike instance variables, those are unique to each object, static variables are set at the class level and are the same for every object created from that class.

How Static Variables Work in Python

  1. Defining Static Variables:
    • Static variables are set up inside the class but outside of any methods. They hold a value that is used by all instances of the class.

class MyClass:

    static_variable = 0  # This is a static variable

  1. Accessing Static Variables:
    • You can get the value of a static variable using either the class name or an instance of the class. It’s usually clearer to use the class name.

print(MyClass.static_variable)  # Access using class name

obj = MyClass()

print(obj.static_variable)  # Access using instance

  1. Modifying Static Variables:
    • Changing a static variable affects all instances of the class. If you update it using the class or any instance, the change will be seen by all objects.

MyClass.static_variable = 10  # Change the static variable

obj1 = MyClass()

obj2 = MyClass()

print(obj1.static_variable)  # Output: 10

print(obj2.static_variable)  # Output: 10

  1. Use Cases:
    • Static variables are useful when you need a value that should be the same for every instance of a class. For example, use them to count how many objects have been created or to store a setting that all objects should share.

class Counter:

    count = 0  # Static variable to count instances

    def __init__(self):

        Counter.count += 1

obj1 = Counter()

obj2 = Counter()

print(Counter.count)  # Output: 2

In summary, static variables in Python are shared across all instances of a class. They help keep data consistent for every object created from the class.

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Example of Static Variables in Python

Here’s a simple example to show how static variables (class variables) work in Python.  

import random

class Car:

    # This static variable counts how many Car instances are created

    total_cars = 0

    def __init__(self, make, model):

        self.make = make

        self.model = model

        # Each time a new Car is created, increase the total_cars count

        Car.total_cars += 1

        # Give each car a random ID

        self.car_id = random.randint(1000, 9999)

# Create some Car objects

car1 = Car(“Toyota”, “Corolla”)

car2 = Car(“Honda”, “Civic”)

car3 = Car(“Ford”, “Mustang”)

# Print out the total number of cars

print(“Total number of cars created:”, Car.total_cars)  # Output: Total number of cars created: 3

# Print out each car’s random ID

print(“Car 1 ID:”, car1.car_id)  # Output: Car 1 ID: <random number>

print(“Car 2 ID:”, car2.car_id)  # Output: Car 2 ID: <random number>

print(“Car 3 ID:”, car3.car_id)  # Output: Car 3 ID: <random number>


  1. Static Variable:
    • total_cars is a static variable in the Car class that keeps track of how many Car objects have been made.
  2. Updating the Count:
    • Every time a new Car is created, the __init__ method adds 1 to total_cars.
  3. Random IDs:
    • Each car is given a random ID between 1000 and 9999.
  4. Accessing Information:
    • We can see the total number of cars created with Car.total_cars.
    • Each car has its own unique car_id.

This example shows how static variables track shared information for all instances of a class while each instance can have its own unique details.

Use Cases for Static Variables in Python

Static variables (or class variables) in Python can be really useful for different tasks. Here’s how they can be used:

1. Counting Instances

Static variables are perfect for counting the number of objects of a class that have been created. This helps keep track of objects or set limits.


class Employee:

    total_employees = 0  # Counts all employees

    def __init__(self, name): = name

        Employee.total_employees += 1  # Increase count for each new employee

# Create some employee instances

e1 = Employee(“Michael”)

e2 = Employee(“Dwight”)

print(“Total number of employees:”, Employee.total_employees)  # Output: Total number of employees: 2

2. Storing Shared Settings

Static variables can store settings or constants that should be the same for all instances. This ensures consistency and avoids repeating data.


class Config:

    max_connections = 100  # Maximum allowed connections

# Access the setting

print(“Max connections:”, Config.max_connections)  # Output: Max connections: 100

3. Caching Data

Static variables are used to save data that doesn’t change between instances. This makes your program faster by avoiding repeated calculations or data fetching.


class Fibonacci:

    cache = {}  # Stores Fibonacci numbers


    def fib(n):

        if n in Fibonacci.cache:

            return Fibonacci.cache[n]

        if n <= 1:

            return n

        result = Fibonacci.fib(n – 1) + Fibonacci.fib(n – 2)

        Fibonacci.cache[n] = result

        return result

# Calculate and cache Fibonacci numbers

print(Fibonacci.fib(10))  # Output: 55

4. Managing Shared Resources

Static variables are useful for managing shared resources, such as a pool of database connections. This ensures that all instances use the same resources.


class DatabaseConnection:

    connection_pool = []  # Pool of connections


    def get_connection():

        if DatabaseConnection.connection_pool:

            return DatabaseConnection.connection_pool.pop()


            return “New Connection”  # Create a new connection if none are available

# Get connections from the pool

conn1 = DatabaseConnection.get_connection()

conn2 = DatabaseConnection.get_connection()

print(conn1, conn2)  # Output: New Connection New Connection

5. Tracking Class-Wide Status

Static variables can track the status or state of the class as a whole, not just individual objects.


class Game:

    is_active = True  # Shows if the game is active


    def end_game(cls):

        cls.is_active = False

# End the game


print(“Is the game active?”, Game.is_active)  # Output: Is the game active? False

Static variables in Python help manage data and settings that should be shared across all instances of a class. They are great for:

  • Counting the number of objects created
  • Storing common settings
  • Caching data for faster access
  • Managing shared resources
  • Tracking the overall status of the class

They keep data consistent and easy to access, making your code simpler and more organized.

Limitations and Considerations of Static Variables

Static variables in Python are handy, but they have some limitations. Here’s a simple guide to understanding these:

1. Shared Data Among All Instances

All instances of a class share static variables. If one instance changes a static variable, all other instances see the same change. This can sometimes cause unexpected results if you’re not careful.


class Counter:

    count = 0

    def __init__(self):

        Counter.count += 1

obj1 = Counter()

obj2 = Counter()

obj1.count = 10

print(obj2.count)  # Output: 10 (unexpectedly changed)

2. Thread Safety Issues

In programs that use multiple threads, static variables can cause problems. Different threads might try to use or change the same variable at the same time, which can lead to errors. To fix this, you should use locks to keep things in order.


import threading

class Counter:

    count = 0

    lock = threading.Lock()


    def increment():

        with Counter.lock:

            Counter.count += 1

threads = [threading.Thread(target=Counter.increment) for _ in range(100)]

for thread in threads:


for thread in threads:


print(Counter.count)  # Should be 100 if threads are managed properly

3. Managing Global State

Static variables act like global variables within a class. Using them a lot can make your code harder to understand because it’s not always clear where and how the data is being changed.

4. Testing Problems

Testing code that uses static variables can be tricky. Since these variables keep their values between tests, one test might affect another. Make sure to set up and clean up properly to keep tests separate.

5. Memory Usage

Static variables stay in memory as long as the class is around. If the class is around for a long time, these variables can use up more memory, especially if they hold a lot of data.

6. Less Flexibility

Static variables can’t have different values for different instances. This limits their use if each instance needs its separate data.

7. Debugging Difficulties

Finding bugs related to static variables can be harder because changes in one part of the code can affect other parts in unexpected ways. This makes debugging more difficult.

8. Encapsulation Issues

Static variables can expose internal class data, breaking the principle of encapsulation. This can lead to code that is more fragile and harder to manage.

Final Words

In short, static variables in Python are great for sharing the same information across all objects of a class. They help you keep track of things like how many objects have been created, store settings, or save data that doesn’t change. This makes sure all objects have the same info and avoids repeating data.

Static variables also make your code work better by handling shared resources and speeding things up. They help keep your code simple and organized by putting important details in one place. Using static variables correctly makes your Python programs more efficient and easier to manage.

Are static variables safe to use in multi-threaded programs?

Static variables are not automatically safe for use with multiple threads. If several threads access or modify static variables at the same time, it can lead to problems. You may need to use tools like locks to keep things in order.

How are static variables different from instance variables?

Static variables are the same for every instance of a class, while instance variables are unique to each object. This means that all the cases share the same static variable, but each object can have different instance variables.

Can static variables be set inside methods?

Static variables should be set outside of methods, directly in the class body. Setting them inside methods can cause issues, as they might be reset every time the process is called.

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